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I think my LDR is over.

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    I think my LDR is over.

    I don't know if any of you remember my last thread (I'll probably find a link later) but we had worked things out, though us at LFAD had come to the conclusion that I need to do what's best for me and stop being a doormat.

    Lately, it's like he and I don't talk as much; yesterday we got like twenty words combined and usually we would talk for literally hours on end. We had a nice day on Valentine's. Until I asked him to be my Valentine (I was cute about it, so ready for him to say yes) and he said, "I want to but what if I meet a cute girl at the [festival I'm going to tonight]..." I'm sure you can imagine how much that stung: it's one thing to accept that maybe one day we will find people that are better for us, no one here knows if our or your own "us" will last the test of time; it's a totally different thing to make precautions and avoid commitment. I said he had to decide who he wanted to be with more, then. He knew I was going to work at a Valentine's dinner for my church, and he asked if that was that night or the night before; when he found out I wasn't going to see anyone else Valentine's Day night, he said, "I was going to suggest we be e-Valentines but that's not fair to you.... I will be yours and yours alone, my silly."

    What the hell is that? Him saying just the last thing would have made my night eight hundred times over, but it meant nothing with the circumstances. He had that festival late that night, so we didn't cuddle to sleep like usual; class the next night, he didn't even bother saying anything more than "hi" to see if I was awake when he got home, usually he will say "*crawls into bed with you, wraps my arms around you, and kisses your head*" and he knows full well how much that means to me when I see it in the morning; today he's no where to be seen, I'm going to bed in two hours and I can't have my phone in my room (as a punishment this week from my parents, ironically for me being irritable, partially about this) to wait up for him.

    So, I wrote him a long letter. It outlines exactly what I need, how I need to be the most important, how I need to made to feel valued, how I need to not be afraid of falling in love with him. I'm going to give it to him, probably right before I go to bed at this rate. I think that just reading that you can tell he doesn't want the same serious relationship, official or unofficial or whatever else. I don't want an open relationship, I thought he knew that. Sucks because he thinks that if we end things (we've discussed it before) we still be able to talk all night and be best friends and whatever else, and I think I'll need at least a few weeks for closure.

    Now it's make or break, I get what I want, need, and deserve or I don't. I'm either going to be happy, really happy, that he's finally agreed to a definite commitment or I'm going to be quite sad that he won't, but glad I found out before I fell totally head over heels over him. You know, I just know he's going to say he doesn't want what I want and it'll be over for good. I've already started kind of getting that into my head.

    I guess we'll see.

    Was he kidding around when he told said "what if I find someone cuter?" Even if he was, that wasn't in very good taste...

    I went from a CD to a LD and my boyfriend and I are 100% committed to one another. It doesn't sound like he understands that you want to be. In an LDR, that's very important. I think it's good that you wrote him a note telling him how you feel. Yes, this might make it or break it time, but what you're doing is the right thing. He needs to put his money where his mouth and show that he loves you and, if he doesn't, then there is a boy out there for you who loves you more than anything else on this planet. It might sound cliche, but I believe that there is someone out there for everyone. If this boy isn't willing to treat you like the beautiful girl that you are, then he needs to stop being such a boy, grow up and become a man. You deserve someone who is going to respect you and give you what you need.

    Be brave, it will all work out in the end.


      *hugs* You deserve so much better hun. I hope he says he will give you the things you need and then follow through on that, but if not, we are here for you. take care of you...



        Hm, that's two very different statements within a short period of time! I kinda get the feeling that he wants to make you jealous/wants to make you chase him, though I cannot imagine why he would keep doing that?

        I remember that I would say stupid things like that to my (now) husband (shortly after we'd met) to get a reaction from him, a manipulative way of checking whether he's committed and wants the same I do, I guess. As you've made clear that you are committed to him and don't wait for something better to come your way, that can't be his reason, however.

        What you're doing is definitely right - you have to agree to the rules at the beginning of the relationship. There's no relationship if you're not on the same page about commitment.


          Thanks guys for being here for me and really encouraging me to do what is best for me.

          "It's a, um... detailed letter." "I ponder in great detail." "I'm gonna eat dinner real quick."

          Ha. Why do I think this is going no place good?


            Sometimes the right thing is hard to do. When you were a kid, did you want to tell mom you broke her favorite vase? You didn't, but it was the right thing.

            Of course, your heart is much more valuable than any vase. Think about it though: would you rather be with someone who doesn't treasure you and flirts with other girls while you are away to placate himself, or someone who waits honestly for you to be at his side? It's not fair for you to give yourself to him and have him just turn his back on you.

            If he loves you with everything he has, then he will hear you and do everything you ask. Just as Lunamea said, he might be trying to get a rise out of you. If he is, then sending him this letter should only strengthen you two because he will know that you want only him and no one else! If he can't accept the fact that you want something that is real, then you deserve something that is.

            Like Gurl said, we will ALL be here to lift you up in times when you are down! :3


              After reading some of your posts, I'm really happy to see that you're standing up for yourself. I hope it feels good to do so, and that the strength you gain from that gets you through things if they don't go the way you hope they will. Hopefully, after reading your letter, he will see that you deserve to be treated with respect, and not to be toyed with.


                I'm REALLY glad you've confronted him about this. It sounds as though he's convinced you that the whole non-commitment thing is a good idea but you're now accepting it isn't for you. I think he needs to shape up or ship out and stop messing around with your feelings!


                  This is the happiest he has made me in a very long time. Details in the morning. =] aksfjksdfsdk I love you guys, I should have sent that letter a month ago.

                  Because I can't resist staying up a littleee later:
                  "Right now it feels like we can beat the odds. I want to see if we can. What about you?"
                  "Jenna. What were the odds that we met in the first place? What were the odds that I fell hard enough for you that I would search the entire internet to find you? What are the odds that even after two years a single conversation and it was like nothing ever happened? What are the odds we could make each other so happy? If we are experts at anything, it is beating odds."
                  Last edited by Veiled_Dreamer; February 16, 2010, 10:45 PM.


                    You know the way a guy behaves depends a lot on age and maturity but no matter what age a girl is at we don't like being taken lightly or not being taken seriously (however you want to say it) ...and what he said whether in jest or not was bull. I hope you find what you need, want and deserve...with or without him.

                    And just for reference, that last wasn't meant to be mean or rude. Just that if he doesn't want to step up and be a man then you deserve finding someone who does.

                    Edit: Ooh! You scooted in there before I posted. Hopefully the news is as good as it sounds! ^.^


                      Originally posted by Veiled_Dreamer View Post
                      This is the happiest he has made me in a very long time. Details in the morning. =] aksfjksdfsdk I love you guys, I should have sent that letter a month ago.
                      Wow! I think that was the quickest solved problem ever.... I don't think i can wait till the morning..! Tell us, tell us!
                      Yay. Yay for you and your SO!
                      Hope he'll keep you happy for long, long time now


                        Ooohhh, that sounds good! =] I'm glad that you're smiling again, Veiled_Dreamer. I can't wait until tomorrow to hear the good news!


                          Wow! That's awesome! Beautiful words... Sometimes they can be the best thing.

                          Congratulations. Sounds like your letter was a brilliant idea!


                            I hope he comes around and committs to you properly. Looking good so far


                              We were talking about the odds that, in the years it will take us to meet, we will have both already found someone, since he somehow has come to the conclusion that I'm an idealist when I'm a very established pessimist. XD And I told him to stop talking about the odds, what were the odds that yada yada had happened, that I would be the one to find someone else? He said you're right, odds don't really apply to us, and then he said what I posted.

                              He also said he wants the same kind of things I want, he's been trying to fall in love again but he can't he doesn't know why; but he also doesn't want an LDR because he thinks it can't work without us knowing when it will end. When I was kind of starting to get angry with him, I painted him a picture of a beautiful girl that is nice and lovely and wants to be with him and lives nearby, what does he do even if he enjoys talking to me more? "I pick you hands down. The issue isn't about some random girl I meet." Made my life, for real. I always thought that was an issue with us. The way he sees it, he can only spend his life with his ex best friend (who he said is all but out of his life by this point, horrible story I helped him get through actually ;_; ), me, or one of his exes. Very complicated, but he's said before the odds that ex will actually move out to Cali like she wants are slim, since she has dreams and not real plans: she wants to go to college out in Cali but she doesn't know which one, whereas I'm already working with my school counselors for my life plan, including names of colleges and such. He also said that this ex has told him point blank she can't live without him and he feels like she's getting clingy and jealous, even when she doesn't really know about us, but he can't break her heart again. I would never make him stop talking to her, anyway. Realistically, if she does get out there I can see where she would pull every trick in the book to get him to fall for her, but if he's happy I can honestly move on. The way he sees it (before we agreed to forget odds): "Realistically, odds are I will have all those things with [my ex] long before I ever meet you, but nothing is certain and it certainly doesn't mean that we shouldn't try or that we cant keep our doors open." And then he said odds don't matter, and we ended our convo with the first thing I edited into my other post.

                              Maybe the most important thing he said:
                              "I feel like I'm supposed to fall in love with [that ex] but I can't, I feel like I was fated to spend my life with [my former best friend] in some form or another, however unlikely that seems, but I want to spend it with you, you were my first love and I spent so much time trying to fall in love again, I still am."

