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Is anyone out here from Switzerland?

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    Is anyone out here from Switzerland?

    Hi everyone!

    I`ve been wondering if there is someone else from Switzerland who is going through a LDR which is international like mine...

    Thank you for replying.

    I live in France...that's not Switzerland, but it's close! And I'm rocking in the International LDR!

    Feel free to PM me if you need to talk sometime!


      Oh nice at least one person who lives close to Switzerland :-) Yes would be nice to have a talk sometime!!!


        I'm !
        Living close to Lausanne and you ?


          Oh cool! Im living in the near of Basel but in the countryside...
          I started this treat because I was wondering how others cope with the distance?...I mean you cant visit them every two or three months. At the moment we go through a pretty rough time. Its nine months since Im back home and since I had to say good bye to my SO and actually we both are down at the moment.. How do you stand the long time no see?


            Send him/her a love note and to call him/her later after that, be sure she/he has already got the note before you call. You may re-start the talk by this love note...It's a good way to make him/her feel that you're still care about him/her and you'd make another effort on your relationship.
            There's ups and downs all the time in all the kinds of relationship...Be relax~


              My SO is not from Switzerland but she is from Germany so nearby. And I am from New Zealand so near your SO who is in Australia I think? I may be wrong. I am in Germany at the moment, my SO is out at her school while I am at home. We had a 9 month break between our visits. Last I saw her was back at the end of February and I arrived here in Germany nearly a week ago. It was a very difficult time, I don't quite know how we got through it to be honest. The last couple of months were incredibly stressful and we just seemed to fight a lot, but now we are together there aren't any fights.

              When we are apart we send love letter packages every month. So a love letter and then a little gift to go with it. Those help. Also we include a USB stick with a video of us and pictures. We tend to send pictures a few mornings a week to each other over email, and talk a few times a week as well, although that is hard with me having an incredibly stressful uni workload throughout the year and her study and the time difference of 12 hours. I can't really think of many things to help with the distance, but just hang in there. How long till you meet again?


                Hello BoogleBee,

                My boyfriend is kiwi too :-) but lives in Australia now.
                Its 9 months now since we saw each other and if its going to work out we will see us in April when Im going to move over. So it will be more than a year :-(
                I dont know what to do at the just seems I cant do anything to feel better or make HIM feeling better.


                  Hey, I just joined, I'm Swiss, living in Zurich. I just introduced myself in the according forum, feel free to ask more questions if you're curious!

