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I really need some help, my SO is so down!!

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    I really need some help, my SO is so down!!


    Last week at the 25th was our first anniversary and I have sent him a very long love letter with a love poem.
    I already sent it at the first of November in case it would take a little longer until he gets it.

    Well last Monday, I asked him if he still didnt receive my letter and he said yes he did already receive it 3 weeks ago. But he didnt say anything because I wrote on the envelope: If he receives it please do not open before our date the 25th.

    He was a good boy and was waiting....but he even didnt read it until last Monday...
    Then he told me he was afraid to read it because he knows he would cry so he wanted to wait for a good moment...and that he knows that it sounds stupid but it is like this.
    Then he said he will read it when he is in bed and so he did.

    After he was finish, he messaged me and said it deeply touched him what i wrote and said he loves me so much (and also said my name, he just does that when he really really misses me)
    Then the following night he woke me up at 04:00am with a message which said:
    Cutie I was afraid to read your letter, its really true and last night I cried myself to sleep.

    So...that reall touched me to hear that from a a guy!
    And yesterday he didnt message much and then he even stopped messaging and said he really is frustared and doesnt want me worrying.

    Then today, it took ages until he messaged me back every time I texted him it took so long.
    And just a few minutes ago he said hes sorry for confusing me today, nothing is wrong and he didnt cheat on me if Im going to ask that and he is just frustrated. He want to say good night and he loves me so much.

    Im so sad, and worried and confused everything at the same time.
    It was always the opposite, it was me being frustrated and he said he doesnt like it but now its him and I dont know what to do!!

    Could someone give me advice in this please? PLEASE!!!!! :-(

    Maybe he needs a little bit of time.. I'm not really sure what your story is or anything, but it will all be okay just give him some space but reassure him that you are there for him and he can talk to you about anything anytime.


      I wouldn't worry about it too much. All people go through up and downs, as do relationships. It seems like he is just going through a hard time right now and it scares you because it is usually the opposite.
      Just be supportive of him and remember that he will get through the hard time and things will change again.


        It happens in relationships. One day one person is strong while the other needs the shoulder and another day, the roles have switched. I think he was just very touched by your letter and whether by it or another circumstance he became down maybe about the distance, not being able to hold you, etc. A bit of situational depression all the same. Like the others have said, it's nothing to worry about and just be his support as best you can, reassure him you love and trust him, and you both will get through it.


          I wouldn't worry too much about this. He could just need sometime to himself to think. Every relationship has it's ups and downs. You should give him some space and don't worry if he doesn't message you make instantaneously, but let him know that you are there for him when he is ready to talk. Best of luck!


            We all have down times. I would just send him a short email saying you can tell he's down, and that one of the things you love about your relationship is how you pick each other back up, and that you look forward to talking to him again soon/playing a game online together/etc. Just little things so he knows you're ready to keep the relationship going.

            LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


              ...Hmm, I really dont know what I would do without this forum. Its just good to know there are some people out there who are going through the same and try to help each other. I realise im a little down too and its just good to feel Im not alone.

