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To Those Who Have Been There And Done That

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    To Those Who Have Been There And Done That

    You've probably got a whole list, journal, diary, or even blogs full of your "To Do" and what "Not to Do" top ten, so to speak. Any advice, tips, or insider opinions you want to voice? Is there one thing that you wish you knew when you were in the midst of it?

    Sharing is Caring!!! Thanks!

    1) trust the kid


      -Try and be on the same page with understanding major relationship aspects and how they will be dealt with or figure into your relationship (e.g. seriousness of your relationship, cheating, how often you will talk, etc.) by discussing major issues openly and respectfully (and, if possible, before they arise as issues specific to your relationship).
      -Do agree on putting some time aside to spend together on dates, phone calls, Skype, etc. (of course, this can vary with schedules and unforeseen circumstances).
      -Don't hide your feelings about or avoid resolving an issue that you feel really strongly about, just because you are afraid of how your SO might react. If you feel very strongly about something, it's not going to go away and our SO's should be able to deal with and help us work through difficulties as well as all the shiny, happy stuff.


        1) It's a real relationship, no matter the distance. You still need to fulfill the same roles and responsibilities, and you have the same rights.
        2) There should be nothing you can't discuss
        3) People in LDRs are NOT more likely to cheat. It's a myth.
        4) Balance your immediate needs with your future needs, plan responsibly, but don't put your life on pause.
        5) Realise that it might not work out. Have a back up plan.
        6) Be flexible. Don't expect your schedules to match up and make life easy. Make time and learn to prioritize.
        7) LDRs tend to move at a different pace than CDRs. Talk about your life plans, know each others limits.
        8) Keep it fun and don't forget intimacy. Long distance is no excuse for laziness.
        9) Be honest, always. Even if someone is going to get hurt. Just be honest and be yourself. If you're meant to be together, there's no reason to lie.
        10) Include your LD lover in your everyday life in whatever ways you can.

        It's not a Do or Don't list... but here's my 2c anyway
        Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


          You should definitely learn to go with the flow on this stuff. Relationships go through good times and bad times; however, it's the best of times that make it worthwhile. Good luck!!!


            It's hard. Really hard. There are times that you will feel so very alone, so ready to give it up. Then you sit back, breathe, and realize that what you have is worth all the pain, hours alone, and times apart.

            Communication. Talk talk talk.

            Keep Romance alive. It's the little things.
            NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


              -Don't jump to conclusions.
              -Communication is key to any relationship.
              -Go with the flow.


                Everyone is totally right. Especially don't jump to conclusions. If you don't trust your SO then an LDR wont work.
                Communicate and realize there will be missunderstandings. Even though I've been with my boyfriend for a really long time,over text message or email it's easy to missunderstand. Don't stress. It's hard yes but you can get through it.
                Have fun,when you're together do as many fun things as possible but don't monopolize his time. He will need time with friends and family as well.(If you are in an LDR because of college is when this will be most important,or military and his family is where you are...ect)


                  ...if one person is negative, the other person CAN'T be. If both people are negative, bad things can have to promise each other that if that ever happens, the other person will keep the other person going.
                  -Don't ever hesitate to say 'I love you.' or 'I need you.' or 'I can't live without you.' etc etc.
                  -Sending letters/gifts back and forth help keep the relationship more real when there is distance. Plus, they're really fun to do
                  -TRUST. You have to TRUST each other.
                  -DO NOT assume anything until you've asked them.
                  -If something is bothering you, or if you are worried about something. SAY IT. It's better to ask them, instead of keeping it bottled up inside.
                  -Do as much as you can to keep the physical stuff alive.
                  -Write emails saying how much you care/love them--especially if one of them is gone for a while.
                  -Remember that the distance is temporary--it's not forever. Keep strong, and lean on the other person, and let the other person lean on you. Tell them how amazing they are, and how they are worth the wait.


                    -DO Talk. About anything and everything.
                    -Don't be afraid to say how you feel.
                    -Don't overdramatize things. LD is not the worst thing in the world.
                    -Don't make assumptions...ask!
                    -Do make an effort to find time for each other
                    -Do your best.


                      Wow! Thank you all for replying! I'll keep all of those in mind. Thanks for the help!!!

