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Gah! I just want to strangle him with my shoe laces!!

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    And can I just add that everyone probably said no to this girl, because they knew they had other priorities and responsibilities...and because they knew their partners would go ballistic if they did the same thing. So they did what he should have done - they said no. And how did the conversation get turned around to how he would have felt in the same situation? Because he's not in the same situation. And he is not you and it really doesn't matter how he would have felt or acted. He's wrong and he's trying to get you to feel like there's something wrong with you. So now you're apologizing for being clingy and untrusting and whatever else he's dumping on you. Since you've told him numerous times that this bothers you and he keeps doing it, it seems like that is screaming volumes to you about the nature of your relationship and how important you are to him. Don't let him get you to think that what he's doing is normal and that you're being unreasonable by having this bother you. I don't know anyone - male or female - that would tolerate or not be hurt by that. You have every right to be hurt and to ask more from your relationship - don't forget that.

