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Christmas idea please help?

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    Christmas idea please help?

    Ok, I know this sounds stupid but I have no idea what to get Mark for Christmas.
    He was suppose to come out last year and never did. I still have gifts for him from last year but I am not going to just give him those for this year.

    He is so hard to buy for. He is a Leo. Does anyone know a good website I can go to to get him a Leo pendant or something in that nature? He also likes to make knives...I was thinking that maybe I could buy or make him a shelf or something to display his knives in but I would have no idea where to even start to look for a design or something.

    Ugh! Anyone have any ideas for me?


    This sounds just like my ex husband. I found the most awesome leo pendant for him, let me go see if I can find a link! He loved it.


      I called and left a message. I *think* he still has the box, so if I hear back I'll let you know. I didn't have luck with a random google, but I'll keep trying.


        Thank you so much!! I know google searches were not working for me either


          I have a friend from H.S. who is a knifemaker. He may have something on his site...or you may be able to e-mail him for some suggestions!!


            Thank you so much!


              Hi, try doing a search on Etsy for zodiac charms or pendants, etc. I found a bunch of different styles.

              As for the knives, what about getting a leather worker to make a sheath for one of them? I guess you would have to know the proper size, though.

              Also, will you be giving the gifts you have stored to him for some event in the future? Maybe I'm just being overly frugal or sentimental, but I feel a little sad that they're for him, were put off, and he may not receive them ever.

              Do you have any other themes or interests to go on that we could give suggestions for?


                I know, I hate that he has christmas presents, valentines day, and anniversary. Yes he will get them...when he finally gets his butt here. I know it maybe sounds stupid to others, but i did tell him that i had christmas presents for him, last i don't know if he will remember that or not, so i want to get something this year also.

                I have never used etsy..i guess I need to check it out.

                He is really into climbing this mountain that i have here by my house, so last year i bought him a backpack, one that has the water pouch in it, and an extra water pouch,a compass, a emergency blanket, a book on a man who was stuck on a mountain, a big picture of the mountain framed, then valentines day a webcam, which he now bought one himself...and he has a build a bear, that is dressed like a mountain climber. There is something else, but I don't remember what it is.

                He also loves survival stuff..and outdoor stuff.

                Thanks for your help!


                  Okay, I get that. That's pretty cool that he has goodies for when he comes to see you.

                  I've never purchased anything on Etsy, but I thought that might be an option to find something that is maybe difficult to get. With the Leo thing, I'm not sure if he is the letter writing sort or if this might be too crafty/ old-school for him, but what about getting a letter seal made with a leo symbol or a really well-carved lion's face and include his initials somehow? Then, you could package it with gold sealing wax.

                  Do you think that planning some sort of e-date for the two of you (that some of the things you send him could apply to) might be a good one?

                  As for the climbing stuff--those sound like great gifts!!! I'm not too sure what to add to that, but I do know that all of my friends who climb are obsessed with this store Would he be interested in a high quality pocket knife? could be kind of pricey and I'm not sure what his schedule is like, but you could pay for him to take a wilderness first aid course (it's pretty hard-core, from what I hear, and it would be useful to put on a resume). Hrm...maybe a tool for sharpening knives? The display case is a cool idea, but might be difficult to package and ship.

                  I'd be curious to know what you get him when you do decide.


                    I found a knife case, but they look so fragile...idk if I want to order one online. I need to figure out where i can get one locally..i haven't quite got that yet. I found some really, really great things on


           and I thought it would be cute if I got one too, so this..

                    I have been checking out the website you sent. Thank you so much for your help. I have found some pretty good ideas from that site.


                      I also thought this was really cute too. I am thinking that I could do something like this myself.


