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Do you tell your bestie?

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    Do you tell your bestie?

    Best friend that is.

    So I come from that cliche "Sex and the City" world where girls tell their best friend EVERYTHING about their relationships. As in, this has always been the norm for me and I figured just about most everyone did that. As I've matured I realize this isn't so for everyone

    Now, I personally do tell my best friend just about everything, but there has always been one or two things I've kept private from her. However, lately as I've been wanting some advice on these subects from someone I trust and know personally who I know will not judge me or my bf and has been there for me through so much, I've been wanting to tell her these issues so I can really just spew out everything that's in my thoughts (I'm not dissing my bf here, just sometimes you NEED an outsiders opinion). But I'm conflicted over whether that's an 'okay' thing to do. I absolutely trust her not to go around telling everyone and whatnot, but I worry I'm somehow doing something wrong (which is odd as I've told a couple online friends about these exact issues, just for some reason I get worried about telling my best friend who I see in real life).

    So...your thoughts? Do you have that best friend you tell everything to? Do you think there's a line that should not be crossed, or when it comes between besties then pretty much anything goes?

    I unfortunately do not at the moment. My best friend that I've known since high school recently went through a lot of personal problems and I don't feel comfortable venting to her when she has much more serious problems. Anyone else I talk to I haven't known for long enough.

    Funny enough, I know my SO has a "bestie" that he'll tell anything to. He's a bit girly. :P

    "You know it's love when you want to keep holding hands even after you're sweaty."
    -- Anonymous


      I've told my best friends everything that happens with my bf and me and they get mad at him for me. So I try not to tell them everything XD


        yeah I do... mainly because my current bestie is my SO I talk very infrequently to my other bestie- I am talking to her Friday, so will probably end up blurting out a lot of things lol But still I don't tell her EVERYTHING. Like our sex life or anything like that. one: I don't want to, as it's something private between me and him, and two; he would kill me, he's a very private person and doesn't divulge a lot of things with other people as it's none of their business, so I follow his lead. I say superficial things like where we've been on the weekend and stuff, but deeper stuff between us, I do not say a word! I dunno, it's how our trust is built.

        <3 The day we met : 10.31.2009
        <3 Our first Date: 11.04.2009
        The Day we went long distance: 08.08.2010
        <3 He came to England: 12.27.2010-01.07.2011
        <3 My trip to Ohio: 5.29.2011-6.09.2011
        Our first Christmas visit: 12.23.2011-1.7.2011
        Distance closed: 2.29.2012!!!!!!!!


          I don't ever trust my best friends advice on anything to do with relationships, seeing as how she thinks all guys are perverts and want nothing more then to get in your pants. I never even told her anything about my relationships until this year, and we've been friends for almost 10 years now.

          I don't really tell anyone :P Never seemed like a big deal to me I guess. Except for her all my friends have been guys. I just vent on the internet XD


            I don't tell anyone absolutely everything. I think everyone to some small extent has a filter. The person who hears everything the most is my SO, honestly.

            LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


              My best friend is my SO. As far as my close I don't tell them everything.
              NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                I currently don't have friends that are that close to me, aside from Obi and my sister. But when I did, yes. I lived to regret that decision though, so I'm being more careful now, especially with secrets that aren't 100% mine to share.
                Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


                  Originally posted by Silviar View Post
                  I don't tell anyone absolutely everything. I think everyone to some small extent has a filter. The person who hears everything the most is my SO, honestly.


                    I have a best friend and I wouldn't say we tell each other EVERYTHING but we do tell each other quite a bit.. I have some secrets I've hid from her, as I'm sure she does.. We lived together a few years ago and we've always been pretty close. She'll call and vent to me when she's having a problem and vise versa, but she lives like 45 mins away so we don't really talk that often or see each other much, still.. love knows no distance, haha.. love that girl to death ♥ I almost, her with my life.


                      I do tell my best friend everything, he is my boyfriend. He hears everything, and I love that he understands me. I did have a best friend from high school and kept in contact throught the years. (i graduated in 1996) but things happened in my life that she wasn't willing to hear, but she wanted me to be there for her, and I won't be someone "convience" friend. I had told her mostly everything. Mark is the only person who i feel comfortable enough with to blab everything. I never felt this comfortable with my exhusband.


                        My SO is my best friend and I tell him pretty much everything but as far as my other close friends, no I don't. I've been hurt pretty badly by "friends" before, so I'm alot more careful now.


                          My best freind knows everything, she is like a sister to me and I would feel weird keeping these things away from her. So yes, she knows and I know everything about her relationship as well haha


                            Me and my bestfriend tell each other almost everything there are some things that I like to keep personal.


                              Originally posted by Karringtyn View Post
                              My best friend is my SO. As far as my close I don't tell them everything.
                              Exactly what I would have said. Go figure.

