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Argggg!!! I HATE people like this!!!!

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    Argggg!!! I HATE people like this!!!!

    Did you also experience this?
    Some peole are really mean! They never message you but when they do they just do it on purpose to make you feel like crap!
    Just a few minutes ago I have received a text message from a girl who went to school with me during our appreticeship.
    She messaged me with her new number and I didnt know who it could be. So I asked her.
    Then after that I asked her how she is? And she just said We BOTH are very very good. Did you see your boyfriend again?

    ARGGGGG!!!!!! I hate this! I hate conversations like this! People who really NEVER message and then just want to make you feel like sh*it.

    I am truly sorry but I had to post this here!! Im only a little tiny bit mad now grrrr...

    Did you guys experience this??

    Um, like noone ever texts me except Brandon... Sometimes I feel my best friend is trying to rub things in my face but I've gotten past it.

    If she doesn't mean anything to you, I would erase her from your contacts and ignore anything she says. You don't need people like that in your life.


      All my best friends are in an LDR in some shape or form at the moment- we all opted for exchange years, so they don't rub it in. Anyone else, I don't care about so I just ignore them

      yeah honestly, if you haven't spoken to her in a long time and have no intention of keeping in contact with her, I would just delete her number. People who keep in contact just to be mean.... you don't need that.

      <3 The day we met : 10.31.2009
      <3 Our first Date: 11.04.2009
      The Day we went long distance: 08.08.2010
      <3 He came to England: 12.27.2010-01.07.2011
      <3 My trip to Ohio: 5.29.2011-6.09.2011
      Our first Christmas visit: 12.23.2011-1.7.2011
      Distance closed: 2.29.2012!!!!!!!!


        I'm a bit confused as to the status of the text, but I've known people like this. My SO has this girl who's chased after him (and has now cooled down), who does passive aggressive CRAZY bullshit like this that annoys me - like when I was visiting him, suddenly she announced that she was engaged to this guy she'd never mentioned to my SO before. Cue much eyerolling from both of us.

        Oh, and also did that "too bad your gf isn't a nimpo like me" - showing an embarrassing lack of the English language and no knowledge of our sex life whatsoever. LOL. Too bad people don't learn how to be adults or feel shame.

        LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


          My situation is different from yours but I can relate. I have a cousin who doesn't support my relationship one bit, she doesn't understand how I can love and trust someone who I haven't met, but anytime we talk things are great until she asks about us. I used to be happy that she would even ask about him or acknowledge our relationship, but now I hate when she brings it up because I know how upset I'm about to get.


            I'm a bit confused by why her text message was so bad? She was just asking if you had seen him...
            I don't think she was doing it to try and make you feel like crap, it was probably just one of those mass text messages to everyone in her phonebook to let them know that her number changed.


              some people are just jealous. they know that you have something that they want. they crave that connection to someone and when you have it and they dont they try to make you doubt it or say stupid rude things to bring you down... dont let it get to you... people like that just thrive on your reaction. mentally stab her to death and then draw pretty things on the walls with her blood... (I did mention this was all MENTAL right?)

              I don't suggest ACTUALLY killing her though... seems like that would be frowned upon in most societies.


                Originally posted by mllebamako View Post
                I'm a bit confused by why her text message was so bad? She was just asking if you had seen him...
                I don't think she was doing it to try and make you feel like crap, it was probably just one of those mass text messages to everyone in her phonebook to let them know that her number changed.
                You said exactly what I was going to say. I really don't see how she was trying to make you feel like sh*t.
                NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                  Well, it can be both ways. In one way, she is making a subtle message about you and your boyfriend, on the other way she is just asking and 'so in love with her SO', that she mentioned both of them are well. Either way, don't freak out because of something like this. If i would rage over every saying some people do about LDRs i would have already destroyed whole continents xD
                  Its not even worth it, because someday you will be together with your SO and can laugh in her face and say: HA! , because maybe her relationship already died up then. Who knows...



                    Originally posted by Karringtyn View Post
                    You said exactly what I was going to say. I really don't see how she was trying to make you feel like sh*t.
                    I think because in the "we BOTH are very good" there was an implication of the girl's SO and kiwilove took it as the girl trying to rub in the fact her SO was there and not LD.

