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Girlfriend Fail

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    Girlfriend Fail

    Oh man...

    I haven't been called in to work for awhile and have also not been feeling great, so I opted not to go to a drawing class with my Mom today in favour of vegetating at home and, really, trying to distract myself that I can't be there for his recital today (I've been marathoning the live action version of Sailor Moon...and I'm not afraid to admit it!).

    I had thought last night that I would make my Facebook status about being proud of my boyfriend's performance tonight and showing a link to his website for the streaming. Then, when I woke up feeling sulky, I decided that maybe it was a little too blatant to advertise it to all my freinds (who may or may not know him), sometimes I think that too much PDA (whether on Facebook or otherwise) embarrasses him/ he seems uncomfortable with it sometimes. So, I didn't do it...but then I was thinking just now that since it is close to the recital starting, it might be okay to put it up for a little while. Except, I log on and see in the feed that G has already posted a status message with a link and how honoured she is to be performing and how proud she is of him. Logically, even though I don't like her, I think it was a nice thing for her to do...but now I feel like a bad girlfriend for not doing it and if I do put something up now, I will feel a bit like I'm being a copy cat (I know, I know...that's silly...but it could come out that way to his friends).

    It's a small thing, I have to remind myself, when the larger issue is that I'm sad and jealous that I can't be there in-person for the performance, the reception, or the nebulous "drinks afterwards." Plus, he's set up the streaming, but he wasn't sure how well it would it may be that I can't even watch that way.

    I should be super happy for him and excited to watch, but I'm feeling pretty bummed about it (I guess sitting around all day hasn't helped...but it's too late to go anywhere and get back in time to try and watch the stream).

    tell him anyways! send him a message! Honestly, there is a girl like that on my bfs facebook too...and I think the most effective thing to do is to ignore it! so what if she wrote that? you're his gf, and it should be more special coming from you. Confidence is probably one of the "sexiest" qualities a girl can have (so say my ex's and my guy friends). So be confident in your relationship, and be proud of him if you want to! and ignore whomever is bugging you


      To hell with what others think. You're the more important chick in his life, so why not tell him you're proud? It'll mean more coming from you than her no matter who posted it first.


        Thanks. I sent him a text about it. It doesn't feel quite the same, but what is important is that he knows I'm thinking about him.


          Maybe you could send him virtual flowers or something since people usually give out flowers after a recital? Just an idea No matter what, it is really not a big deal because you are his GF and G isn't


            Originally posted by Bluestars View Post
            Maybe you could send him virtual flowers or something since people usually give out flowers after a recital? Just an idea No matter what, it is really not a big deal because you are his GF and G isn't
            Thanks so much! I just sent him some, which made me feel really good and will hopefully make him smile, too. We already had a long talk on the phone (was a little bummed again when it seemed like he had talked to some of his friends on the phone before calling me. Then I remembered, though, how it's like when I have dance recitals and it's sort of first come first serve in people phoning me...not me phoning people in any choice order. Plus, he does like to talk to me before he goes to bed, too. ...and he said he would watch one episode of live action Sailor Moon of my choice...which may be like torture for him, but will be really sweet of him to do if he does watch--awesome!), but I was still feeling not quite there with my praise for him--this was the perfect cherry on the cake. I had forgotten that LFAD had a link to that and had never tried it. It was pretty cute and I had fun designing it. I never did follow up on the recital gift thread (?), but I did finally finish that relaxation CD and card for him and he got that in the mail a few days before the recital. I was happy with that gift and put a fair amount of effort into it, but still wanted to do something with flowers (especially since it seems like guys don't receive flowers as much and a recital seems like a perfect event for them). One day, I hope to send real ones (when I can afford them), but I think that these were great for now!

