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Oh no! I forgot his birthday! Help please?

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    Oh no! I forgot his birthday! Help please?

    So I'm terrible at remembering... well everything really. But today my SO and I were talking about something happening in May and he says "That's near your birthday!" That's when it hit me! SH*T! His birthday is in FOUR DAYS and I completely forgot all about it!

    He lives in a different country and there's no way I can send him something that will get there in that amount of time (it usually takes 3-4 weeks for just a letter. Costa Rica is beautiful but not known for its speedy postal service). I'm going to mail him a card anyways. Then thought of emailing him a birthday video (perhaps a risqué one?) too...

    Any ideas? I feel like it's kind of important, he's turning 30! And it's his first birthday with us officially as a couple.

    I like your ideas so far. Maybe you could get him something, tell him it will be a little late, and ship it right away. I am really bad at mailing things on time, so I wouldn't think it is that big of a deal if you tell him.

    That being said, buying stuff isn't even really necessary. In many cases, memories are better than gifts anyway. Do you know what his plans are for his birthday? Do you think he would have time to have a date with you? You could get on webcam and blow out candles for him on a cake you just made (and send him the ingredients for a cake to make himself later on). Maybe you could pay for pizza or something to be delivered to his house. Or you could rent a movie for him online (I think you can do that), and you guys could watch it together. Not sure if that helps >.< But good luck! This past year I gave hints for my birthday just so that my SO doesn't have to worry about forgetting that my birthday was coming up :P Because otherwise I think it is total reasonable that he would forget, since I am a forgetful person as well!


      Oh those are GREAT ideas! I think the baking cake thing is really cute=)

      Thanks bluestars!


        AH! You just reminded me about the birthday too!!! jaja, My love's birthday is close to Christmas, I am super happy to be spending both with him! But, yea, just tell him it will be late and call him the day of! I know it is really silly, but my bf and I draw pictures for one another...and by draw, I mean like 5th grade, hanging on the fridge type of drawings! I draw stick figures. But he loves them, they are sooo cheesy, but its cute, and you could scan it and e-mail it to him!


          A birthday video message is a great idea! You could also take a photo of yourself holding up a sign that says happy birthday (perhaps a sign you've made yourself) and email it to him, you could make him a compilation of songs that are special to the two of you and upload it to a media hosting site and send him the link to it, you could draw him a picture, scan it and email it to him, you could make a list of reasons why you love him and email them to him (maybe 30 reasons since he is turning 30?), you could send him an e-card with a really sweet message...


            No worries and dont panic!!!
            There is still enough time to order something beautiful which still will be very appreciated by him!!!
            Just have a look on the internet what kind of home deliveries are there in his city where he lives!
            Send hima beautiful bunch of flowers, chocolate or cupcakes especially made for him. What about personal cupcakes with a cute message written on them.
            Have a think about it! there are heaps of ways to pamper him :-)


              I forgot my So's birthday this I felt soooooo horrible. We were talking and he was like oh wow my birthday is tomorrow. I know when his birthday is but for some reason I convinced myself it was on Halloween and was planning accordingly. Anyway the day before I had to run around like a chicken with my head cut off...just so I wouldn't fail completely...I ended up getting gift cards food music and video games which he loved. I took a couple of pictures of me that he liked and made a card at the drug store...saying Happy Birthday and I miss you...and wrote a birthday letter saying what the day would be like if I could spend it with him. Luckily he loved everything which really made me happy. I think a couple of the things I did might work for you. I also love the skype birthday video idea...he and I were on Skype at midnight his time and I had a brownie with a candle and I sang him happy birthday and had him blow the candle and make a my lil brother was standing out of sight of the camera and blew it at the right moment and it was magic...He still doesn't know how i did it. You know your SO better than anyone so get creative...write a nice email letter plan a little party with a party hat and a blow horn and a could even tell him you hired him a stripper for the evening and do a little dance for him...Good luck :-)

