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What do you think about bracelets with your names engraved?

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    What do you think about bracelets with your names engraved?

    I was thinking about nice jewellery with my SO and my name engraved in it.
    What do you think about?
    Do you think guys like the idea to wear jewellery or not?
    Im not sure since he works as a builder in a way..and there is a lot of work where he needs to use his hands.

    And some guys dont really like to wear im not sure.

    What do you think?

    Sounds good to me. It all depends on the's hard to generalize on this one. For our engagement, I got my SO a necklace with my name engraved on it and he loves it.
    Good luck!


      I'm a huge sucker when it comes to tasteful jewelry on men so I really love the idea of a matching engraved set for me and my bf to wear (haha, someday...). He's not much into the bling-bling, but he knows how important it'd be to me for us both to wear it so I know he would, even if it were just for a few days while we were together I love mllebamako's mentioning of a necklace since those can be easier hidden beneath clothes if he feels the need and also be made a bit more masculine that he might not be embarassed about either.


        Hmm....yes thank you mllebamako for sharing what you have done. I like the idea of a necklace with the engraved name. But I really dont know if he would wear that too!
        Because I know hes not the type of wearing a lot of bling bling...
        I think hes more the natural type of guy whos wearing a necklace with wooden beads.
        But I would really like to give him something I think I need another idea :-( because I dont want to ask him since it should be a surprise!


          Heh, me and Brandon are already wearing friendship bracelets and the LFAD bracelets... I'm sure he wouldn't mind another one XD


            BTW I got his necklace off of Etsy. Be sure to check Etsy out if you are looking for something b/c they have awesome handmade jewelry for really good prices! (I sound like an ad hehe)


              I got my ex husband dog tags with our names, and wedding date engraved. He works in construction, and never took it off, just put it inside his shirt at work. He isn't huge on jewelry, is a guys guy, but it was meaningful to him. I think it just depends on the guy, and finding something to suit his taste.


                I would LOVE that. I love jewelry aha.


                  This is so funny, because just last night at Disneyland, in Frontierland they have a store with leather bracelets (Super cheap, around 8 bucks) of all sizes with complimentary engraving, and I bought two for me and David last night =] They are beautiful, and since its not like typical jewelry I think he'd like to wear it more.


                    If you think he'd like beaded or similar jewlry, Some beads have letters on them....burned on them, I mean. Maybe find beads like that and something to string them with and make them your self? Simple, artsy, handmade...lots of meaning. Or just look around online (etsy is a good idea, btw) and see what you can get in that vein that will be personalized. Just my two cents...Hope you find something super cool that he loves


                      Do you know what type of jewelry your guy likes? All guys are different. If I were you, I would probably hint around at it to see his opinion before you get it for him. My SO and I both wear the same beaded bracelet that we got on our second date. I also gave my SO a black beaded bracelet that he wears all of the time. However, I had my cousin help me pick out the beads for the black one because he is guy.


                        He's got me jewellery before, and I know he wants something kinda manly to wear with something of me on it. So I love the idea of an engraved bracelet Its a good idea...but how expensive would they be if you want get names engraved, a custom order sorta thing?? I suppose it depends...Still, good idea


                          I love the idea.

                          I've given my S/O a watch a few years ago and he loved it. I am going to send him dog tags with a personal engraving.
                          Love is patient and kind. It does not envy or boast; is not proud, rude or self-seeking. Love is not easily angered and keeps no record of wrongs. It does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. Love always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

                          ~*~Love never fails~*~ 1 Corinthians 13

