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Pregnant and back LD!

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    Pregnant and back LD!

    I know there was the question about what you would do if you got pregnant in a LD relationship. This is a little different though. Most of you know my situation but for those of you that don't, here is a quick rundown.

    I was in a LDR for a year, and we were lucky enough to be able to close the distance WOOOOO!!

    About 3 months into the close distance relationship I found out I was pregnant, but I was bleeding and very concerned that I didn't know any doctors in the new area (as I was the one that moved) so after a very long talk my SO and I decided that it would be best for my baby and I to move back to NY so I can be seen by my long time OBGYN.

    And so now, I've moved in with my parents who happily took me in (I on the other hand went kicking and screaming, even though in my heart I knew it was for the best) but here is my situation..

    I'm very hormonal, and impatient (due to being quite sick with all day sickness, what the heck is morning sickness? I have no idea!) and other little things that make me miserable! That being said I'm finding it to be a chore to keep in touch with Kevin. I really don't want to be on the phone ever. I hate talking on the phone now! I don't know if it's because I resent being back home, or because my hormones are in overdrive? I mean I know I love him. I can't wait until he visits for new years, but as far as communication now, I have no idea how to fix it.

    I know a good handful of you have kids, and have been pregnant before, so I guess I'm just looking for some kind of advice so I don't feel like we're broke up! May cannot come soon enough because thats when he'll move here and we can re-close the distance!

    (You need a baby ticker!)

    Does email/im/video chat irk you too? I find myself pissed off when anyone dares speak to me for too long lol. >.<
    Maybe emails would be easier since you can do it at your own pace.

    I've told you this before, but again, I'm so sorry you have to face these difficult pregnant months at a distance. I'm glad you were able to go home though, and into the care of your own doctor. You're like 9 weeks now? Damn near 1/4 done! That is something to celebrate!


      Patience was something I lacked while pregnant. Hormones are truly kicking in for you and while it is wonderful to BE pregnant...I hated that I WAS pregnant and like that for the time I was...and I did it 3 times. I wasn't your usual "Oh it's so much FUN being pregnant." Nope. I hated it. Just keep the lines of communication open with your SO and let him know the hormones are in overdrive, that you love him, and you guys will get through this...
      NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


        My bf actually wants a baby right now and Im scared that if I get pregnant the plan he has in mind might not work as easily as he hopes and I'll end up by myself for the majority of my first pregnancy ><


          I don't have advice, sorry, just wanted to say *hugs*, it's good to see you and you have my support.

          LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


            While I was pregnant, every little thing sent me into a fit of anger. I agree with Garnet about the emailing. That's the only way I could tolerate most people. I'm here if you need advice, I was doubly pregnant :o


              It's good to see all of you too! I know Video chat is out, but I can try email. I'm not really sure how he's going to feel about that given the fact that we normally had great communication both CD and LD! I wish there was a way to turn the hormones off!


                I was pregnant twice, but it made me more clingy. I couldn't get enough of my husband and it hurt me when he wouldn't talk to me. So i realloy have no advice, but in my opinion, you gotta still talk to him. Even if it feels like its the worse thing to do. Maybe you can just talk for like 10 min but more often?

                Good luck on your pregnancy, that is so exciting!


                  Congrats on the pregnancy!

                  Since you guys are usually great communicators, this definitely sounds like the hormonal ups & downs of pregnancy... it's no easy thing. I didn't feel like myself for the full 9 months, both times I was pregnant. Sometimes I was super-clingy, and other times the mere sight of him irritated the hell out me, LOL. The best comfort I found was in the knowledge that it IS only temporary, I just held on for the ride and asked him to bear with me too, and it DID go back to normal once all was said & done. So hang in there for these months... it's not as long as it seems, and you WILL get there
                  We collided and fell out of nothingness... scattering stars like dust


                    Pregnancy does weird things to people. I'm usually pretty insecure but felt totally bullet proof and powerful whenever I was pregnant. You know, the bringer of another human being into the world and all that.

                    Everyone here has given all the best advice, prewarn him about how you feel and maybe email him instead. It is an amazing time even if you aren't feeling the best and yes 'morning' sickness is the greatest misnomer.


                      Originally posted by Čternity View Post
                      'morning' sickness is the greatest misnomer.
                      So true- whoever named it such was WAY too optimistic!
                      We collided and fell out of nothingness... scattering stars like dust


                        Well, with time zones and stuff, isn't it pretty much always morning somewhere? So maybe it should be "it's morning somewhere" sickness.
                        LFAD Book Challenge: 4/25 Complete
                        Currently Reading: Les Miserables, by Victor Hugo (219/1463 pages read)
                        Total Pages Read This Year: 3283


                          I love it here. You moms threw up. The girls I talk to with kids, "oh! I never so much as felt queasy a single day! I was one of those happy glowing women you hate!"
                          I have told JoMarie how I want to throw rocks at their heads.



                            LoL Garnet! Me too! Thanks guys. I've spoke to him about how the sound of his voice irritates the hell out of me, and how the stupid things he says makes me want to squeeze the life out of him. He laughed and that made me feel a little better. He seems better with the fact that if he calls I don't want to speak to him more than five minutes and we've started to text a lot more, and that helps because if he texts me something stupid, i just don't text him back.

                            Sorry it has taken so long for me to get back to you guys i've been CRAZY busy! Thanks so much for the support!

