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Christmas and surprises!

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    Christmas and surprises!

    So I just got back from the post office! Woo! First international package shipped EVER!

    And the cool part about it is that he doesn't even know I sent it. He gave me the address like a month ago and asked that I make him a scarf... so I did! and I (as stated in other posts) sent him a couple of pictures I drew of us together. I'm just excited because I didn't tell him I was sending it, and I didn't tell him I drew the pictures... Sooooo its going to be a surprise all around, not just when he gets the package, but when he opens it too! YAY!

    Just had to share my excitement (hate that I can't post it on FB without him seeing it... OH WAIT! I CAN! To the LFAD Crowd group! *giggles* doing it! SOMEONE BE EXCITED WITH ME!)

    *I'm really bad at keeping things I'm excited about to myself so that makes me really proud of myself that I didn't tell him about any of it.

    What did you get your SO for Christmas?

    I'm excited with you!! I love giving gifts I'm giving my SO sunglasses... and whatever cool things I can find/make for his stocking.
    Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


      haha I don't even know if they do the whole stocking thing where he lives... He saw mine (because I love it so much that I leave it hanging on my wall ALL YEAR LONG!) and asked me why I have a giant sock on my wall... sooooo im assuming they just don't do it... Thank you for being excited with me! woo!


        Where is he from? No stocking would be... just... you need to make him one for next year!!
        Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person




            That is really exciting! I got Mark a UK (univeristy of Kentucky) monopoly game, ukopoly and a case to put his knives in, and a leo pendant, and a japanese picture that is really awesome, it has like recylced newspaper in the background.


              that sounds awesome! I wana see the picture!


                thats cool!! yayy...he must be very happy!!:-D


                  Yay, good job! I made my bf a scarf as well, and a matching hat. Turns out he probably won't wear them...but oh well.

                  "You know it's love when you want to keep holding hands even after you're sweaty."
                  -- Anonymous


                    still! at least he has them when he needs them! I wanted to make a hat... but he told me no cuz it would mess up his hair

                    0.o METRO!


                      still! at least he has them when he needs them! I wanted to make a hat... but he told me no cuz it would mess up his hair

                      0.o METRO!



                        just to let you know you can choose to hide your status updates from people. When your writing your status click on the little lock and then go to customize. After that a new window will open up and at the bottom it says something like hide from ____________ in the line you start typing the name and click on it, then hit save or what ever it says (sorry my facebook is in spanish so I only know what it says in spanish) and now you have a status that is hidden from the people you don't want to see it

                        Treasuretrooper <-- how I helped pay for some of my LDR expenses when I was in one.

