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Coming Home a Different Man.

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    Coming Home a Different Man.

    I know its going to happen, the thing i dont know is how different. i dont think anyone can prepare you for the love ofyour life going to war, it doesnt work like that, but they cant prepare you for the changes either. i am so scared that ryan isnt going to be the man i love anymore. hes aleady harder, colder, and more forceful. im just... scared.

    *hugs* *hugs* *hugs*
    I'm really worried about this too, even though he hasn't been deployed yet. =\ He was deployed once, to Iraq. We met on his 2 weeks home before returning to base in the US. He was suppose to be deployed to Haiti, 4 days later they said they weren't. But he told me before that there were rumors of deployment to Afghan. Yes, it's dangerous and of course that worries me, but it's the inevitable change. I know you can't go through such an intense experience like that and not change. But it's just how will he change? And how much different will he be? How different will we be? It scares me too and we haven't even been faced with deployment yet!

    I used to visit the . Haven't so much lately, school keeps me busy enough without me procrastinating on TWO forums. =] But it's for people in military relationships. I found it very helpful and everyone very supportive! They also have a great post about the stages of deployment. I like it bc there's places for everyone to post. Places for people of each branch of the military to post. There's even places for each area; people will make posts about thinks going around each base (actually found out about some fun things to do near his base). So as much as people on this forum can help, more people in this forum are more experience with the military side of your LDR!


      I also worried about this, but I have been through a deployment with him once, not as his girlfriend but as his friend. The e-mails he sent seemed like they were from a stranger. They seemed cold and detached from himself, but when he came home the only change I noticed in him is that he seemed older. He still loved me, and he still did the things he used to love, and still loved the things we did together etc. I think while they are away they have to detach themselves to be in "survival" mode as Kevin calls it. Maybe it makes it easier for them to live on one e-mail a day, or maybe it's for focus-who knows? Don't be too worried though, because that'll just make it harder on you while he's away. Hope that helps and I'm so here for you if you need anything. I still say I haven't been through a deployment with him, because although he was my best friend, I didn't love him like I love him now, I just know when he starts on his DETS I'm gunna be a wreck!


        oh that post was suppose to say the home front forum. idk what i did, why it did post.


          My boyfriend was in the military for 6 years before we ever met. Now that he's heading to Afghanistan for a job, he has been telling me that, depending on the situation, he may become a lot more distant from me. I'm sure he's pretty well prepared for what he could experience over there as he's been in similar situations. Still, I worry about him. And I worry about what that will mean for us when he returns. I suppose all we can do is be as supportive as we can and take care of ourselves, right?


            Lots of hugs girl. And well, my SO is not in the military, but I know that talking about our issues always make it better!


              gagh. i am already on 2 sites, this one and one other. and like, i keep myself busy and stuff but i worry. thanks everyone

