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Can't wait!!

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    Can't wait!!

    I just wanted to share, since I'm soo excited! I haven't seen Patrick since the end of August, but I'm headed home to NY from Ireland on Sunday and I get to see him Monday morning! It's been kind of a rough semester, because of the time difference and him having a TON of work (he's taking classes, working as an RA and as a theater usher, AND writing his senior novella.) We haven't really gotten to talk as much as I would have liked, and his computer overheats so we haven't video-chatted in weeks But we're both excited to finally see each other, since Christmas break is one of few times of the year we're together.

    I know how ya feel! I leave tomorrow to see my bf in Italy! I can't wait. I havent seen him since July 5th though. I will see him Thursday evening! I am so anxious I want to leave now lol. That sucks you can't web cam but at least you can. My bf and I tried once and well it doesn't work. His internet isn't that great there so when we try and webcam the sound is horrible but I can see him so I told him I just want him to turn it on and we can type. lol I just want to see his smile It really sucks the webcam doesnt work. I have asked every tech person I know how we could fix it lol and well it's on his end!

    Have fun on your trip and enjoy!!!


      Have a great time - it sounds very exciting ^^ Yay, Christmas together.

      LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete

