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need help dealing with anxiousness and blahish moods.. ):

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    need help dealing with anxiousness and blahish moods.. ):

    So I've come to find myself very blah wanting to be in bed and not move and such. I have been stressed as well.

    very moody and my temper has been pretty bad.

    I think most of it is the fact I haven't been out with friends in a while and it's getting to close to the time I get to see my SO again.

    I need some advice on how to get my moods up and not to be so pessimistic and negative about my thoughts. I know it's probably because I just miss him and I'm thinking negatively.. but how to make it stop? I'm making plans to have a girls night this weekend, but what else can I do?

    For me, I force my lazy butt out of bed, get dressed, and dance like crazy to awesome music. It sucks getting out of bed, but after dancing I always feel much better and ready to do things.


      Sounds like a bit of depression. Do you keep a journal or blog at all? Writing out how you feel, even if it's "I feel bad." and hit submit, is a good way to get it out somehow. And maybe seeing about hanging out with your friends again, see a movie, go to a bookstore and wreak havoc, whatever you guys enjoy doing. sabby has the right idea that you have to really force yourself to get up and out. I know I have episodes just like that and even if it takes me 3 hours to just shower and get dressed, once I'm outside I perk up, even if it's just a bit. Go to the mall and walk, listen to music. But I do recommend writing out your feelings and thoughts, usually after a few entries you can pick up patterns of how you get to thinking about something or how your thoughts turn negative so you can work on not going down that thought path.


        I wouldn't right away say that this is depression. Females are emotional creatures and we all have our ups and downs no matter how happy a person we are. I'm a really happy person, but definitely get into funks sometimes. Sometimes it's a day, sometimes a week. The way I usually get over myself is by getting nicely dressed (not like a prom dress, but a cute outfit that I think I look good in), get my hair nice, put on more make up than usual and go out. I like to go to a bookstore and have a snack, or go to a shop and buy myself a skanky shirt (), by myself a new piece of underwear, or just wander around a cooking shop and look at all the kitchen gadgets. Just get yourself UP, get yourself feeling GOOD about the way you look, and go have a day on the town with yourself. Getting a little sun (vitamin d-- the happy/sunshine vitamin) will really help you!


          Originally posted by lucybelle View Post
          I wouldn't right away say that this is depression. Females are emotional creatures and we all have our ups and downs no matter how happy a person we are. I'm a really happy person, but definitely get into funks sometimes. Sometimes it's a day, sometimes a week. The way I usually get over myself is by getting nicely dressed (not like a prom dress, but a cute outfit that I think I look good in), get my hair nice, put on more make up than usual and go out. I like to go to a bookstore and have a snack, or go to a shop and buy myself a skanky shirt (), by myself a new piece of underwear, or just wander around a cooking shop and look at all the kitchen gadgets. Just get yourself UP, get yourself feeling GOOD about the way you look, and go have a day on the town with yourself. Getting a little sun (vitamin d-- the happy/sunshine vitamin) will really help you!
          I meant situational depression as she mentioned this seems to happen around a certain time and there are reasons she's depressed. Clinical depression happens for no reason, but situational is caused by something. It's like you can be depressed because your pet died, situational. But it gets better with time and doing stuff on your own, it doesn't need medication or therapy. Thought I'd just clear up what I meant.


            Originally posted by LadyMarchHare View Post
            I meant situational depression as she mentioned this seems to happen around a certain time and there are reasons she's depressed. Clinical depression happens for no reason, but situational is caused by something. It's like you can be depressed because your pet died, situational. But it gets better with time and doing stuff on your own, it doesn't need medication or therapy. Thought I'd just clear up what I meant.
            Okay yeah I agree! I must have misunderstood you


              1. Blast Music. Something up beat. Fun. And if you like Glee, that usually cheers me up.
              2. Dance around like an idiot while you blast this music.
              3. When you hang out with your girls, try focusing on completely on them, not letting your thoughts wonder.
              4. GET OUT OF BED.
              5. Cook/Bake something.
              6. Tidy/reorganize your room&closet or however it works.
              7. Watch a funny, uplifting movie. Or Romantic comedy, or if you like blood and guts, go for it!
              8. Write a letter to your SO, tell him how much you love him and the reasons why you love him.
              9. Think POSITIVE. Think of all the totally awesome things you're going to do with your SO very soon, and don't let it get you down!
              10. Pick up a good book. Whatever you like, and if you don't have books, take a trip to the library.
              11. Go for a jog, unless if it's freezing cold. You don't want your butt falling off.
              12. Print pictures of things and people that mean things to you and post them all over your walls.
              13. Everyone has a must have/had one. Find it. Embrace it.
              14. Talk to your man if you can.
              15. DIY pedicure, manicure. Nuff said there.
              16. Go stand in front of the mirror and smile. You're beautiful.
              17. Do laundry. Especially if it's piling up. I always feel good about myself when I get my laundry done.
              18. If you haven't washed your bedding in a while, wash it. Fresh clean sheets. Plus if you're in bed a lot, might be a good idea as it is
              19. Set your alarm. And don't stay out of bed for five minutes after it goes off. Jump outta bed (Or stumble) and start your day.
              20. Tidy your living space.

              Whipeee...that was fun
              If you need more advice or ideas, feel free to message me.


                Too both of you, I sometimes make myself look pretty and take pictures of me or something, being into photography I'm always taking pictures of something. My friends aren't always available and especially this week the weather hasn't been very cooperative either, a lot of ice on the roads. I'm hoping this weekend and the next week before christmas will do me some good. I'm really anxious and nervous and ready to see my SO again, been suffering withdraw from him. But this weekend I'm for sure going to go do something.. I know I can't stay in my house any longer.


                  Exercise is a great thing for getting rid of the blahs. Yay for endorphins! I know princessmia recommended jogging, but any kind of exercise, especially aerobic exercise. I know it's hard to motivate yourself to get up, but I promise that you'll feel much better once you do!

                  Also, give yourself something to do to keep yourself busy. Start a project, clean the house, anything to get you moving and keep you out of bed.

                  Anyways, that's what works for me! Feel better soon!

                  "You know it's love when you want to keep holding hands even after you're sweaty."
                  -- Anonymous


                    Ooh I agree with any kind of exercise!! When I was in a wheelchair I couldn't leave the house very often (for obvious reasons! haha) and certainly not by myself. So I bought myself a pull-up bar and tried to do that, or leg lifts, or arm curls, ANYTHING to make yourself feel like you're doing something. Make yourself a little circuit around your house and do it 3xs through. Then eat some cookie dough for a reward!


                      Sounds like a bit of depression. Do you keep a journal or blog at all? Writing out how you feel, even if it's "I feel bad." and hit submit, is a good way to get it out somehow. And maybe seeing about hanging out with your friends again, see a movie, go to a bookstore and wreak havoc, whatever you guys enjoy doing. sabby has the right idea that you have to really force yourself to get up and out. I know I have episodes just like that and even if it takes me 3 hours to just shower and get dressed, once I'm outside I perk up, even if it's just a bit. Go to the mall and walk, listen to music. But I do recommend writing out your feelings and thoughts, usually after a few entries you can pick up patterns of how you get to thinking about something or how your thoughts turn negative so you can work on not going down that thought path.
                      I completly agree with LadyMarchHare. It seems a bit of a depression..and I exactly know how you feel. I feel alot like this and everything is a huge effort even just the little things like getting up, eating, getting dressed...then you cry all day...I KNOW :-) But just try to pamper yourself with things you like having around you. Your best friend, your pet, going for a walk etc...its all about what LadyMarchHare said :-) You can do everything if you just want it!! *hugs*


                        Thank you guys. These next few weeks I'll be making myself busier till I get to see my SO. I might start keeping a journal or a blog as well.. document things and see how I am doing, I used to write a lot but don't anymore so I might start that again as well.


                          I usually like to clean and reorganize all sorts of things in my room. Cleaning always makes me feel better when I'm in a funk.

