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He's HERE! Now help me get out of my funk!

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    He's HERE! Now help me get out of my funk!

    Hi Friends!!

    I just thought I'd check in.. since I haven't in a while & let you know what's happening.

    First of all, I can't stop smiling!! He came in on Friday and it's been wonderful.. as it always is! (He comes in about every 3-4 months.. I know, I'm lucky compared to most people in LDR's.)

    We spent last night downtown.. Which is normal for him.. His family lives in the city. But I live out in the burbs, so it's always exciting for me! He laughs at me because I am so "touristy!" lol We did some X-mas shopping, took a ton of pictures, grabbed some dinner & drinks and spent the night in a beautiful hotel. Ah-mazing.

    Only one problem.

    I don't want this to end.

    He goes home on Sunday and we both seriously tear up even thinking about it..

    Can I just rant for a second?

    Ugh! Why can't it just stay like this!?!?!?!? Sometimes I find myself having difficulty staying in the moment and enjoying the time when he actually is here because I'm too busy being sad about when he leaves. I know I need to stop that, because it won't do any good.. But I can't help it..

    Do you guys ever feel that way when you actually are together with your SO? I need to learn to be more "in the moment." Suggestions? TIA!!!

    ....I think you should just focus on the good thing. He is there with you, you see him every 3-4 months, you can take pictures while your together...Think about it. I know it must be hard when you have to leave each other and to know you wont see one another until in 3-4 months but here are some they wont see each other for more than a have at least a date when you see each other next :-) Be happy and enjoy your time!! Your a lucky girl, bear that in mind :-) Have a good time


      Forget about it! You can't change it so don't worry about it - enjoy the time you have to the max


        Good advice.. Thanks! I am seriously working on it. Enjoying every moment to it's fullest. He is on his way over now for a romantic night with some wine & movies.

        ((((((Treasuring every minute!))))))


          I have the same problem unfortunately. I also often tend to focus on the time we have left a little too much. Even though I tell myself not to.
          I thought his visit this time would have been different because we would see each other again 8 weeks later, but then suddenly his work schedule changed and he wasn't sure if he could come in February. So I spent our last week together being upset and feared we would be apart until April. (After he got home, he e-mailed me and told me he would come in February)

          He of course tried to cheer me up, even said: "Hey Isa, I'm not a kamikaze pilot, I'll come back".

          Guess what I'm trying to say is... I also need advice in that area and I perfectly understand you. I always end up regretting the time I've spent on being sad while we were together, once he has left. Because once he has left, you ... to be fully honest, have plenty of time to be sad. I tried to tell myself that. Really live in the moment with him, so I have no regrets later on. Unfortunately I know it's not easy.

          I hope you'll enjoy your last days together. Try to cheer up and think about when you'll see him next.



            I guess Ryan always just cheers me up and takes my mind off of it... I almost always cry at least once and dropping him off at the airport in November was the most impossible thing... ever!

            When you start to feel that way just tell him to take your mind off of it! Tell him you are NOT allowed to think about it. I'm sorry that you're going through this! Enjoy the weekend.

