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Seeing him for the 2nd time!

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    Seeing him for the 2nd time!

    why am i soooo nervous?! I have been nervous the closer my trip to mexico was to becoming a reality. And now, it is my 2nd day here in Mexico and I get to see him tomorrow! And I swear I feel a little sick to my tummy! Does anyone else feel this way before they see their loves?! I feel ridiculous! Maybe because I am going to meet his family for the first time, but maybe not because just thinking of what it will be like seeing him for the 1st time since we 1st met...ahhh it's driving me crazy!! lol I almost just want it to come already so I can just relax with him and enjoy our vacations!! I suppose I do know everything will be fine, but oy! I am sooo nervous!! yet so excited!!! Its been over 4 months since we first met, this is all so very new to me!

    also, very confused on what an appropriate gift would be for xmas/birthday. I am in one of the poorest states in Mexico...and didn't have time to buy a gift in the states :-\ how horrible am i? He mentioned he just wanted me to wear a bow hahaha, so cute.

    Nerves are natural. But once you see him again and get used to being together again they should disappear. I hope his family like you when they meet you
    For an xmas/ bday gift i can't help much cause i don't know him, but try get something he's interested in or that you know he needs, but also something that is a bit more personal, not something that just a casual friend would get him. Something thoughtful
    I hope your trip goes well and yous have a great christmas together.


      I am always super nervous before I see my SO. This last time was his first time to the USA and when I was heading to the airport I seriously thought I was going to vomit! But of course when I saw him everything went away and we had a blast.

      As far as a present goes... I know my SO would love it if I got him a bottle of alcohol and made him dinner. I know that sounds cheesy but you could do that, or take him out to a nice dinner. And then on Xmas send him a picture of you two out on that dinner with a nice card saying you wish you were there...


        When I saw my SO for the first time after we had been long distance dating for 8th months we were both really nervous...We knew each other casually before then but this was the first time being together after really liking each other...But eventually we got over it and everything was so natural and felt right. I'm sure you two will have the same experience. As for the gift, I think that you should go with something thoughtful but not too expensive. I think dinner is a good idea but since you aren't in your home country perhaps just go on a shopping trip with him and ask him to pick out something. Its not a surprise but he knows the area better than you do and its guaranteed to be something he likes lol. Ps. I'm glad you decided to go on your trip anyway :-) It sucks when parents and family don't approve but sometimes you have to choose what's best for you. I'm glad you did :-)


          thanks everyone!! still nervous, but i am definitely a lot less anxious! Seeing him tomorrow and he says we're going out dancing!! hehe so far thats all we've ever done! I am just happy to be in his arms once again. gained about 10 pounds too, hope he doesn't mind!! jaja. Guess I can dance it off!

          I am going to the market tomorrow and drawing him a card cause i know he will love it! probably going to find a little gift for him too!! suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuper excited!! also still nervous! Can't believe its all happening!

          PS: Mom calmed down and my SO even arranged for our mothers to talk on the phone to make her feel at ease. Mom turned out to like the SO and the mom too...likewise my SO thought my mom was very sweet! yiiiiiiiiipppppppeeeeeeeeee!


            If he's a good boyfriend, he'll recognize you can't afford an expensive present. My SO and I don't give each other expensive gifts - I usually make him cookies. Why not try to give him the gift of something fun to do together.

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