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What to do when he comes?

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    What to do when he comes?

    He'll be here on the 27th and I'm trying to think of things to do!
    Any ideas? :')

    Ice skating.
    Going to the movies.
    Playing in snow if you have it where you live.
    Go to the amusement park.
    Go to the zoo.
    Go to a museum.
    Go to the park.
    Go to the beach.
    Bake cookies.
    Cook together.

    Good luck. I hope you have fun. Is it the first time you're meeting?


      Thank you very much.
      Yes, it is. I'm so excited but also want to make sure he has fun while he is here. Which I'm sure won't be too hard, but it's nice knowing a few possibilities.


        Aww I'm sure you will have fun together. Just take him to all your favorite places and show him your city. I'm sure he will love it.
        Oh bowling is another possibility, or roller skating, or lazer tag, or an arcade depending what you are into.haha.
        I'm visiting my boyfriend right now(well and my family.we only became ld because I moved for college) and he's been content just laying in bed watching


          congrats!when my SO come for the first time, he just want me to bring to all the places which i always that i go and etc..besides that we watched movies,shoppings, go to island, parachute, jetski, snorkelling...:-D


            Originally posted by bluepotato1236 View Post
            congrats!when my SO come for the first time, he just want me to bring to all the places which i always that i go and etc..besides that we watched movies,shoppings, go to island, parachute, jetski, snorkelling...:-D
            Snorkelling? Dang girl. Sounds fun.


              Sex xP


                Originally posted by samglam209 View Post
                Snorkelling? Dang girl. Sounds fun.
                lots of fun!:-D i love parachute the most.i was so scared..haha..


                  Originally posted by Elissa View Post
                  Sex xP
                  Thats fun too but she's just meeting him for the first time!

                  And thats cool bluepotato I'm not that adventurous.


                    Originally posted by Elissa View Post
                    Sex xP
                    Thats fun too but she's just meeting him for the first time!

                    And thats cool bluepotato I'm not that adventurous.


                      I would spent most of time with him, enjoying every single minutes of his existence.. hahaha.. if your SO over 10.000 kms away like me and my SO, you will say the same! its not like only 45min car ride or one hour flights away... so.. i would cherish every moments with him for sure.
                      Activities? if he visiting me i would bring him to interesting places.. hehe even if its not really that much in my town... i would bring him to my schools, my relatives house.... well just to let him know as much as possible place where i grow up, and my cultures.. and things that matters for me.
                      If he had much time, i would take him to my mom village, go out at night to rice field and star gazing or looking at hundreds of fireflies there its very romantic thing (minus the frogs hehe). Also hiking, went to natural hot springs, waterfalls, camping.. well.. i never ask this but i think hes not an outdoor type (he's a geek..thats why i love him!).
                      Just do things that made us both happy and know more about each other i think...


                        My SO has visited my quite a few times before, so it might not be much help...

                        - I try to take him to parties so he can meet my friends (meeh, it can be quite difficult b/c of the language barrier but he's very brave!)

                        - we go to do all kinds of touristy stuff in/around my city (he loves travelling/discovering new stuff and I haven't lived here for long so it's interesting for me, too. He's suggested going to places that I didn't even know and they were in my city...)

                        - do everyday things together (cooking, grocery shopping, I even made him go to class with me once - poor guy) to sort of make him part of my life...

                        Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


                          Lol, yeah. Don't really plan on anything that.. um.. extravagant. :P


                            Yeah, imho it's just so very important that your SO gets an idea of your everyday life. I mean we're all hoping to close the distance one day and it's probably not very helpful when up to then only get to know each other's carefree-holiday-selves.
                            When we have a lot of things lined up for my visits, I always think it's kinda sad that we don't get to have as much alone/heart-to-heart-talk time, as when we're just being together without having 1000 parties and get togethers to attend. (I have so many friends in his city that I want to see when I'm over there, though. So it's sort of hard).
                            So first meetings are obviously different, but make sure you have enough time to just 'be together' and concentrate on each other than just hurrying from one even tp the next.

                            Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


                              Originally posted by bluepotato1236 View Post
                              congrats!when my SO come for the first time, he just want me to bring to all the places which i always that i go and etc..besides that we watched movies,shoppings, go to island, parachute, jetski, snorkelling...:-D

                              I totally agree! The first time I visited my boyfriend's home I wanted to see what his daily life was like so that when I wasn't there, I could still picture where he was. Made me feel a little more in tune with his life.

