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'Tis the Time of Year for Family to be Annoying...

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    'Tis the Time of Year for Family to be Annoying...

    The last few days have been hell at home. My Dad (whom many of you know by now is a jerk and I don't get along with him) has come home from visiting his mother. Every night, there is an argument or sometimes several a day and he acts like a petulant, verbally and emotionally abusive sibling, instead of a father. Then, from the stress of it all, my Mom flipped out at me yesterday when I felt sad about my weight and didn't want to try on pants...she said she was tired of uplifting me and then proceeded to criticize EVERYTHING about me. Today, things were sort of okay (after we all had our screaming matches yesterday), but we ended up all in an argument again and...then she starts talking about my LDR.

    I really, really had thought that since she had met him and has seen how consistently we make an effort to talk to each other and be involved in each other's lives from a distance, that she had come to be more accepting and encouraging of my relationship. I'm truly disappointed, because she just went on that she doesn't understand why I go and talk to him every night and why it seems I am shutting everyone else out. I go and talk to him every night, because he is my boyfriend and I love him and want to share part of my day with him...and I thought that would have been evidenced by now (plus, as an aside, I don't get to talk to an awful lot of my friends these days, so she should be happy that I am communicating with someone my own age). She came up with something like "I don't understand what you do up there (I go to my room and close my door...doesn't any person want privacy when they are talking to their SO?) and why you do it digitally. Well, why don't you just go live with him?" To which I reply, "because I don't have enough money and we both need to find our career paths, etc." As for shutting everyone out, well...I see her almost the entire day if I have not been called out to work. Her response is "we're not your entertainment" (ummm...what?). So, I say that I have been watching Christmas movies, doing crafts, and going shopping with her, to which she has another bizarre answer. Then, I tell her how even then, she is really critical of the crafts I make and doesn't want me to ever ask for help or work on something together, even though she talks about working on such and such together all the time. Plus, with the way things have been between all of us the past few days, she should be glad I go and get out of her hair every night (or so) for an hour or more. Her reply? "I just don't understand..." *trails off with wistful look* So, I excused myself to get changed and get ready to talk to my imaginary boyfriend.

    I'm not a violent person, but I seriously feel like punching my fist through a wall right now.

    Sounds like between the holiday stress and having a minorly dysfunctional family, things just sort of blew up for you there. I think it's hard for older generations who aren't tech-savvy or don't use the computer that much to figure out that yes there can be social interaction via a computer screen and that it can be effective enough to start a LDR. I think the "Why don't you go live with him" thing was either out of hurt or meant to hurt, sort of in that way someone says "well if you like your phone so much, why don't you marry it?" And the shutting out thing I minorly understand as my mom hates when I shut my door to listen to music even though we see each other 24/7. It's uncomfortable to them to know that you've been available all day and now suddenly you're not if they need you even though they could knock and come in anyway.

    It's frustrating to not have your parents understand or even support your relationship (believe me, I know the feeling all too well) but there are parents who act the same way with CD relationships so it's hard to make them always understand what we do, why we do it, and why we CONTINUE doing it despite what their beliefs/opinions regarding them are.

    Sorry your parents are being that way and hopefully it'll clear up a bit once the holidays are done.


      *big huggles* shes just stressed out over many things including your dad, and when that happens you take it out on the closest person to you and sadly that person is you right now, give it time honey she'll come to her senses and apologize


        There's a reason why I always get hammered for the holidays. :P


          Happy Ho-Ho Holidays, eh? Family - can't live with them, can't strangle them and leave them under the tree like a serial killer.

          I mean, er... >.>

          But seriously, I don't blame you for being pissed off. I would do my best to try and let it go. Their opinions and feelings are outside what you can control, so I would focus on you and doing what makes you happy and bettering your life. Eventually most parents pull their heads outta their butts when they're being unreasonable.

          And shame on your mom for taking out her problems on you.

          LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete

