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To go or not to go?

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    To go or not to go?

    Ok, so this might be a stupid issue, but here's the story:
    My boyfriend's brother's* girlfriend has just sent me an invitation to her birthday on fb. I don't know her that well, but we meet up with them almost everytime I'm over there and we get along pretty well.
    The problem is, though, that I'd have to go without my boyfriend. He's leaving for a skiing weekend with his school earlier that day. I'm just staying one day longer because that way the flight was cheaper and we get to spend as much time as possible together.

    We always meet my boyfriend's friends when I'm visiting and I like most of them and definitely enjoy partying and spending time with them . But I don't know if I'd be comfortable meeting them without him. They're his friends after all, and I'm sort of scared that I'll feel left out/out of place if I'd go there alone.

    I don't know if anyone can give any advice but yeah...
    Would you go?

    *oh he's not his real brother, more of a cousin, but they're quite close so he calls him brother.

    Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.

    If I liked the girlfriend and brother, and was comfortable with them, I'd go. If I wasn't comfortable with them, I would politely decline.

    LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


      I agree with Silviar. Don't put yourself into a situation where you know you'll feel uncomfortable and don't feel pressured to go just because an invite was sent.


        It all depends on how well you get on with his family. Do you feel welcome and part of the family? If so I would say Go and enjoy yourself (your SO will want to hear all the stories as well). However if you have always felt like a third wheel in the family, politely decline and suggest that you need to prepare for your return journey home (which may not be that much of a lie).
        Love is the only thing that can cross all boundaries and cannot be stopped. It crosses countries, continents, oceans and even the stars themselves. It makes peace in the middle of war, and stops hatred in it's tracks. -Anon

        Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. - Apostle Paul in his first letter to the Church at Corinth (1 Corinthians 13:3-5)


          I do like them and when I'm with my boyfriend I love partying with them....
          Apart from the fact that they're not actually my friends there's also the language barrier. I speak Polish well enough and don't have trouble communicating, but with people I don't really know and at loud places, I get really self-conscious.

          I was thinking about bringing a friend who lives over there? She's basically also a friend of my boyfriend but I totally love her (she's coming with my boyfriend to visit me in Feb) and we've gone out alone before. She's not officially invited but it's in a club and she's met most of the people at least once, so I guess it'd be ok.

          Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


            Originally posted by Dziubka View Post
            I do like them and when I'm with my boyfriend I love partying with them....
            Apart from the fact that they're not actually my friends there's also the language barrier. I speak Polish well enough and don't have trouble communicating, but with people I don't really know and at loud places, I get really self-conscious.

            I was thinking about bringing a friend who lives over there? She's basically also a friend of my boyfriend but I totally love her (she's coming with my boyfriend to visit me in Feb) and we've gone out alone before. She's not officially invited but it's in a club and she's met most of the people at least once, so I guess it'd be ok.
            That sounds like a good idea and a club sounds super fun. I say do it. Have one last night of fun before you leave.


              I say take the friend and go. Show everyone that you want to be a part of that "family".


                Agree with Nikki !


                  Thanks for all your advice.
                  I thought it'd be fair to let you know how it went.
                  I ended up not going, because earlier that day my boyfriend left for his trip and I didn't feel much like going to a birthday party, much less one where I don't know the people very well. I tend to suppress how much saying goodbye affects me and I always think "well, this time it'll be easy. After all we're seeing each other in x days." and everytime it's just as hard as ever.
                  So yeah. I just met up with that friend for a few beers, it was a good middle way between much needed distraction and not feeling like partying and having to hold back the tears whenever he texted me.

                  Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.

