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missing him too much..?

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    missing him too much..?

    Title pretty much explains it.. I honestly don't know whats wrong with me. I can't even watch a romantic movie, in fear of sobbing and just being sad. So my question is how do you know when you miss him too much and how do you cope with it?

    I am always missing Mark. Its a fact of life for me, that I will miss Mark. When I am at the point of breaking I always read his past emails, his texts, and look at his pictures. Sometimes though, you just gotta cry it out. Watch a sappy movie and cry it all out. That helps me to cope also.

    Good luck, this time of the year is hard for everyone. I miss Mark more then I ever have.


      I'm with agentholli! Whenever I miss my SO I look at all my messages from him and I have a playlist of songs that he picks out for me.... It doesn't stop me from missing him but it doesn't make me feel better! Sometimes the occasional tears escape from my eyes but, hey, it happens. lol


        Cry, when I was with my ex and I missed him a lot I would cry a lot and it helped me.

        Treasuretrooper <-- how I helped pay for some of my LDR expenses when I was in one.


          Being recently separated from my SO after living together for two months, I'm still prone to random bouts of crying. What I do is I let myself have a little cry if it's really that needful for me, because I don't believe in shunning emotions. After that, I then focus on something positive, like how my bank account is growing or how we're going to be together soon with all of our hard work paying off.

          LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


            As my mom says "sometimes you just need to take off your girdle and have a good cry." Crying can actually make you feel better in some cases, so don't hold back the tears.

            But like others have said, I re-read old conversations, I listen to music that reminds me of him, and sometimes I even daydream about what it'll be like when we're together. Just gotta keep your chin up and know the pain is a temporary situation, just like the distance.


              I let myself cry if I need to. It's good to get it off my chest. And if I'm REALLY missing him, I text him and say so and he'll say something to cheer me up.

              "You know it's love when you want to keep holding hands even after you're sweaty."
              -- Anonymous


                I haven't been able to cry lately. I've been missing him so much recently that sometimes when we talk, I feel like paralyzed and become unable to talk. I know it makes him really worried and I feel really bad for him but I just can't get any words out of my mouth. I sort of feel like my mind is trying to protect me from the extreme pain and shuts down. If we are together when it happens, I can't move or do anything else than just stare (according to other people). It usually lasts around 5-10 minutes but it's hard to say because I don't really feel like being present. Sometimes afterwards I've been thinking that it feels like being under the thick ice and drowning, seeing someone outside trying to save me but although inside I feel like screaming, no one can hear me. Everything gets blurry, my vision, the sounds.. I wonder if anyone else has ever experienced anything like this.. But i have to say I completely understand what you mean by missing him too much.

                Reading usually helps me, to have something else to think.


                  I don't keep my emotions in. I blog, cry, talk about it...anything to let it out. Sometimes it is so overwhelming...but some days are easier than others...
                  NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                    I guess I know what you're talking about, hell, we probably all do.

                    I feel like missing my boyfriend is not so much a feeling in the sense of being happy/sad or thinking about something, it's feels so physical. Like being hungry or sick, except there's nothing I can do about it. Most of the time my internet's way to crappy to use webcams but honestly I'm not all too sad about it, because seeing him and yet not being able to touch/smell him or feel his warmth, destroys me. It almost always ends with me crying and him trying everything to cheer me up. Talking on the phone isn't quite as bad.
                    I might be an oddball, but reading his letters, mails texts and looking at our photos just makes things worse when I have a really bad missing him moment. I need to do something to take my mind off things. Like roosie said reading (and even studying, which I should do more of *sigh*) helps a little.

                    Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


                      I cry it out, because afterwards I always feel better and inspired to get through this distance. Crying feels really good, especially after holding it in for a long time.


                        No no no, Dziubka you're not an oddball. Personally, I am fine with video chatting and all forms of communication-getting in touch with him makes me miss him less. But if I miss him really badly I can't look at pictures. Somehow its worse, because its me the sense of "the time we were together existed, but its long since past now and not likely to come back in the future". Stuff like vid chatting though reassures me I'm not odd, and he's still out there in the world.

                        And I do agree about it being almost a physical feeling, instead of a mental one. The day I came home on the plane, I was a mess on the plane(I think I scared the classmate next to me), fell asleep, woke up and was normal till I got home and had dinner. Then went straight back to crying all night. Woke up the next morning and was basically fine since then, except certain moments that unexplainably pull a trigger in me.

