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Is Something Wrong With Me?

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    Is Something Wrong With Me?

    Hello guys,

    Okay so basically it's been the longest stretch me and my SO have been apart so far, 4 months and 2 weeks, but only 2 months to go basically... and I find myself not having intense feelings of missing him or anything like that at all. I feel that I should because of the holiday season and the fact that him and myself will not be together on Christmas, and that if we're lucky we'll share a quick phonecall. But perhaps maybe I will feel a little worse when it actually hits me, but until then i'll enjoy the contentment, do any of you feel content or at ease with understanding you will not be together on Christmas?

    Happy Holidays !

    Yeah i do :-). I'm going to see him on the 28th but having a definite date when you will see them makes it easier...Its a little easier not to get sad about it when you know...but perhaps the day of you will feel it a bit more. I feel content at times until I see couples hugged up and then the reality of the distance hits me...maybe its the same for u?


      Yes, perhaps this is true. It probably is because I have a set date and I can truck along and count the days... I will admit not knowing is the worst absolute worst feeling.


        their is nothing wrong with you. i had the same feelings of contentment afew weeks ago. then i read on here (LFAD) about so many couples spending the holidays together and it hit not gonna open presents with my bf...or decorate the tree together...or have christmas dinner together lol. then got a little sad. but im pretty ok with it. i have my family and we havent shared a christmas together yet so its not so bad. we have a date for the next visit too which helps!!
        being content with being apart is not losing feelings its just being ok with it ( i had to learn that)!


          I spent the last several months of our long distance hardly missing Enrique, with random moments I was having cuddles withdrawal :P. Still, in the last few days right before a visit I'd be practically developing a stroke from the excitement :P. I live across the street now so things be good :'D. It happens to everyone who's been doing this way too long. Usually, you're just so use to the distance that you're ok with it. It's a good thing though, less emotional torture from not seeing them :P.


            I think it's different for every person. Some people, like myself, miss then all day every day. Others can be more content while waiting for the next visit. There isn't anything wrong with a person either way. It think it comes down to how well a person can cope with the distance.

            I'm definitely not content with not being with him this Christmas, but I look forward to him coming back up on the 30th, and I know that starting next year, we'll spend every holiday together. That gives me some peace, even though we can't be together on Saturday.

            "If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.”
            - A. A. Milne


              I knew from the start I wouldn't be spending any of the holidays with him so knowing that Christmas morning I'm not gonna wake up to him wrapped in ribbon and nothing else doesn't bother me.

              Personally I think it's OK if you're not lamenting over the distance 24/7 like some do. We all have lives to live and it's not gonna kill us to have a day when we're happy we just get a "good morning" via text and not miss them insanely.


                Originally posted by __ms.jaye View Post
                Yes, perhaps this is true. It probably is because I have a set date and I can truck along and count the days... I will admit not knowing is the worst absolute worst feeling.
                Yup, excatly. I will not see Mark for Christmas, nor do I have a date i do not feel content at all..just a big old whiner here.

