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How could I have been so dumb??

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    How could I have been so dumb??

    I told Jared the wrong day for my return date for my ticket I checked the academic calendar a zillion times, but I guess I read it wrong. Instead of getting back the day before class, I am to get back at night on the first day of class, so I will miss my first two classes. Neither of us have money to change the time, so I will just have to deal with it--but I hate missing class!

    I guess it could be worse. I only have two classes that Monday instead of the four that I have on Tuesday, and you really do not learn all that much on the first day. I guess I will also get to spend more time with Jared...even though I will probably be anxious all of Sunday when I should have left--I need to work on my anxiety lol.

    So right now I am kicking myself and wishing that airlines did not charge you so much for changing your ticket. Seriously, our ticket costs the exact same amount now as leaving the day before, but would charge $150 right away for changing the ticket and then the difference in the prices.

    I need to get better at reading dates correctly...this is not the first time that I have made a mistake that stupid.

    I don't think it's a very big deal. Don't beat yourself up about this, it's just a human error that could happen to anyone! I make those sort of mistakes all the time but I just don't care so neither should you

    Have a Happy Christmas


      No beat yourself up dear - no worries, it'll all work out all right. Not like you can do anything about it now, so enjoy your holiday and then get ready to put your nose to the grindstone when you get back to class.

      LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


        If it makes you feel any better, I accidentally booked a one way ticket from Pa to NC for Ryan when I meant to book one from NC to PA for him to go back home after accompanying me back to NC Thanksgiving weekend.

        I personally do not learn a THING in the first class, so just relax in knowing that you get more time with your SO!


          You can get caught up by asking your classmates what went on during those classes, or even your professors. I'm sure they'll be glad to fill you in. In the meantime, you should only be worrying about spending time with your SO.


            I have done something similar before and what I normally due is email the professor and let them know what happened introduce myself what class I'm in and ask if the syllabus will be posted online since I will be missing the first day of class and would like to get started on my reading. If you have a friend in the class ask them what the readings are for the next class and then do those on the day you are still with him so u don't feel as guilty. Don't stress yourself out though its the holidays and you are with your SO enjoy yourself! :-)


              ive totally done this! im not in school but had to miss work and live hours from the airport so i had to miss a day of work and stay the night in a hotel lol. i bought the ticket for midnight instead of noon haha. i could have sworn it said noon! and even checaked it a few times. haha


                I will tell you something. Once, we (my SO and I) went to Brighton (UK) for the weekend... after booking the train tickets, we looked for an hotel... but they were ALL "minimum 2 nights stay"
                We were like "Oh damn, we'll have to sleep on the beach"... then I looked on, and I chose Brigthon on the list and found some B&B quite cheap which looked nice... so I took the nicest one I found, with the certainty it was in Brighton... but actually it was in Littlehampton... 45mins away by train. :o
                When I realised it, I was really angry against myself, and sad, because I thought I had fucked the weekend... my SO acted so wonderfuly at this time... and actually it was one of the best weekend I've had in my life... the B&B was so lovely, and Littlehampton so calm and so cute... everything was perfect, and I'm sure I will remember that weekend all my life.

                What I mean is : Sometimes some situations may look silly, but you won't know until you have gone through it, if it is really silly or not.
                Just enjoy, your SO is more important than stupid lessons
                Ive missed lots of fridays to have a longer weekend with her ahahah


                  I wouldn't worry about it too. I would just e-mail your professors and let them know that you won't be in the first class. Definitely make sure to look over the syllabus for each class and be caught up on all the readings. If you have any questions about the syllabus, e-mail your professors again. You'll be fine, especially since it's the first day of the semester.
                  "I'll hold you in my heart till I can hold you in my arms again."

                  "It's supposed to be hard! If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The what makes it great! -A League of Their Own

                  Met: August 22, 2010
                  Made it official: September 17, 2010
                  Got engaged: January 15, 2012
                  Our First Visit: November 18, 2010-November 28, 2010
                  Our Seventh (and Last) Visit: November 10, 2012-November 24, 2012
                  Got married: November 21, 2012
                  Big Wedding Date: May 25, 2013
                  Closed the Distance: June 2, 2013


                    Originally posted by NikkiP View Post
                    If it makes you feel any better, I accidentally booked a one way ticket from Pa to NC for Ryan when I meant to book one from NC to PA for him to go back home after accompanying me back to NC Thanksgiving weekend.
                    ^^^ True Story
                    If there's something inside that you wanna say
                    Say it out loud it will be okay
                    I will be your light, I will be your light
                    I will be your light, I will be your-light



                      Don't worry too much. You're a good student (as I learned through your blog), and you won't miss much more than the syllabus, introductory stuff on the first day. If you are still feeling bad about it, go to the professors the first chance you get during their office hours and explain why you weren't there and that it won't happen again (I'm sure it won't). That way, you can be sure that you understand what you should expect out of the classes you will miss.


                        Don't worry about it! Only thing that might be a problem is if your university has professors do attendance in the first couple classes to check for open spaces, but that can be solved by sending an email to your profs saying you'll be out of town for the first day of classes, but will be in class after that.

                        "You know it's love when you want to keep holding hands even after you're sweaty."
                        -- Anonymous


                          Dont worry about it. Nothing happens on the first day anyway. And what does happen they usually repeat it the second session anyway. Its just introductions. Enjoy the extra time you have with your bf

