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Feeling the fire and passion more in a LDR then a non LDR?

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    Feeling the fire and passion more in a LDR then a non LDR?

    Do you feel more passion and more fire when you're in a long distance relationship compared to a non long distance relationship? Even though, I eventually want to close the distance I just feel more power and passion when I'm away from my loved one. Then when I'm with my honey I get annoyed and want to have a life of my own again. I hope you can relate!

    Yes, my SO and I both feel that way. It all builds up after not seeing each other for a while and then when we do it's epic.

    Madly in love with Michael


      I can relate to feeling more passion/power, but not to the eventually getting annoyed part (I never want to leave). I find that my feelings for him are more intense than in previous relationships, and that those intense feelings are what keep us together. I don't think you could survive in a LDR without a lot of passion for one another.


        Both me and my SO felt more passion when we were apart than we do now. But then that passion is one of the things that makes a LDR work. Now when me and my wife got together our fires did seem to dim a little. But then at the same time we felt more comfortable with each other, and just enjoy each others company more.
        Love is the only thing that can cross all boundaries and cannot be stopped. It crosses countries, continents, oceans and even the stars themselves. It makes peace in the middle of war, and stops hatred in it's tracks. -Anon

        Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. - Apostle Paul in his first letter to the Church at Corinth (1 Corinthians 13:3-5)


          I think the advantage of going from LD to CD is that "fire". I mean sure when you eventually become CD, the passion might die down a bit. But you both still know what it's like to go to bed by yourself, or not be able to talk to them when you're upset. So I think that helps keep the appreciation for the other person...

          did that make sense?


            Yes, and I agree


              I kind of feel the opposite way...Not that I don't feel passionate about him when we're not together, but I feel moreso when we actually are in the same place. But I also feel that this is really a very different relationship than I've ever been in before because we were best friends for years, so now I'd rather just be with him than live on my own. I mean, yes I am fully capable of doing so, but now it's my choice to have him in my life rather than a necessity. And in that sense, I know that the passion will die down a bit but for now it's greatest when we are together.


                I think there is definitely more passion in my current relationship than any of my past relationships. Whether it's incidental that this is the only LDR I've ever been in, or that we really are meant for each other, or for whatever reason... there is definitely a difference this time around.

                "If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.”
                - A. A. Milne


                  Omg, like so much more. I was in a two and a half year CD relationship before this one and it never got so intense to the point that my present one is at. It feels alot more passionate, intense, and worth it because I finally found someone worth waiting for, and it makes the time we have together so much more special then any time I had with my CD partner. The distance sucks, I agree, but the times in between make it all worth it.


                    I agree that I feel for him much more intensely...but I'm not sure if its because we are LD or if we just are meant for each other and connect more than I have with others. I just know that I'm happiest when we are together and even just looking into his eyes on Skype makes me feel that way...sigh

