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Stressing myself out.

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    Stressing myself out.

    Lately I've just been thinking, and I'm worried.
    I guess in light, I'm scared that one day I will wake up and fall out of love with my SO (or vice versa).
    Do you ever feel this way?
    Any advice?

    I actually felt the same way, around the time after his first visit. At that time things were getting serious and we were investing more than just feelings into our relationship. I was so scared one day he would be like "yo julie, i think we should see other people" or something along those lines. I knew I would never fall out of love with him, and I was just so scared he would. I actually tried to talk to him about it, and he'd always reassure me that it would never happen. But actions speak louder than words, of course.

    Someone might post some better advice, but all I can suggest for you (having had about the same problem) is to just not worry so much. I took his word for it, that it would never happen, and the more I just didn't think about it, I got over it. So, I hope you the best.


      Usually when you're feeling insecure about your relationship, there's a reason behind it: low self-esteem, feeling inferior, fear of rejection. I encourage you to spend some time thinking about what exactly makes you have these fears, and then tackling that problem. That's the real problem, not your SO leaving.

      LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


        Oh goodness I was so sure of that at the beginning. I really doubted my feelings towards my SO. I still sometimes think that he likes me more than I like him. But I know I have strong feelings for him and that I want to do anything to make this relationship work.

        I think more than anything I have commitment problems.


          I think that most people go through feeling like yours at some point in their relationship. Especially if it is a new one. What I did was I talked about it with my SO, I would ask her what She liked about me (this helped my own self esteem), and then I would share what I liked about her (lifted her spirits, and brought us closer together).
          Love is the only thing that can cross all boundaries and cannot be stopped. It crosses countries, continents, oceans and even the stars themselves. It makes peace in the middle of war, and stops hatred in it's tracks. -Anon

          Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. - Apostle Paul in his first letter to the Church at Corinth (1 Corinthians 13:3-5)


            I was so sure my relationship with Enrique wouldn't last more than 8 months. So sure, I almost bet money xD. It's been almost 2 1/2 years, we closed the distance, and I can't get rid of him @_@. It's ok, I wanna keep him :'D. Talk to your significant other about this, it'll make you feel better when they tell you that they'll hunt you down if you ever randomly leave them :P. No wait, that sounds creepy XP. Hope you get a more normal response with similar meaning :'D.

