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Im feeling the holiday blues

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    Im feeling the holiday blues

    Seems like its been forever since we have talked...wait actually talked well thats been a good 2 or 3 months, just a message every few days normally short...and today...on christmas i heard his voice for the first time since i dont know when...and it made me happy and sad all at the same time. I realize with 2011 april...and his return come closer. Im happy he called but with it came this whirl wind of ill just cut to the chase
    In April or May...we will be together...for at least a year...dealing with the army is always unpredictable...but i hope at least a year...
    Anyone else worried ?
    I mean i dont think there will be problems but im just worried...i dont want to think i have him forever and then have him taken that selfesh?

    Just wanna know if anyone feels like nervous...

    I haven't been in the same situation as my SO isn't in the army, but I think it's pretty normal to feel nervous. It's natural that you want to be together rather than apart. It's not selfish at all, I imagine he feels the same way.

    I hope it all works out for you.

    "You know it's love when you want to keep holding hands even after you're sweaty."
    -- Anonymous


      I can totally relate. My SO is not in the army, but is serving our country in some way. (I tend to try and keep a few things private on here.

      But, believe me, I know how you feel. It is so unpredictable. We should be closing the distance within the next year, but I too always worry that something may happen that will take him away from me for a longer period of time.

      PM me if you ever need to talk, I get it! lol


        thanks , good to know at least one person feels the way i do..just the fact of us starting our life together..its crazy to think about it..i wanna do a good job


          I understand your nervousness. It is the other way around for me...I am working overseas and my SO is back home. If your SO is in the Military or a contractor and they are like me they miss you just as much if not more then you miss them. There is not much one can do in a combat zone most times and if there is not an outlet like exercise or watching movies to keep from thinking negatively about what your significant other can be doing back home in the states one could get sick just thinking too much.

          When you miss your SO think about what your SO may be thinking but is not going to tell you because they don't want you to know they were freaking out if you didn't answer the phone when they finally got a chance to call you. I'm sure you will be relieved to know that there are plenty of us over here who want to speak to our loved ones desparately but if we don't get them then we are homesick, worried and nervous all mixed up in one emotion. That goes for guys, too : ).

          As for the nervousness...I am always nervous when I call my SO and just as nervous when I go back home to see my sweetie.

          When I get off the plane to see him standing there waiting for me after I just flown 17 hours I worry if I look crazy to him because my hair is not cooperating with me any longer : ) much goes through my mind. I think it goes both ways ...both parties worry the same way about something. It is normal.

          I find that when I shared with my SO my worries that he worried about the same thing and then we reassured each other that there is nothing to worry about.
          In fact the next time I talk to my SO I'll tell him how I really feel when I try to call on his cell and don't get him sometimes : ). I won't really tell him I was freaking out : )... I'll just tell him how really happy I feel when I hear him say, "hello" or something like that : ).

          Hang in there and try to talk about what you feel that always soothes my worries and insecurities.


            Shameka thankyou very much this made me feel a million times better, i guess i forget sometimes that he misses me just as much and he is in such a worse place then me, at least i have my family, even though he tells me he misses me so much i guess i just dont get it sometimes lol im so hard headed, ur reply really helped !

