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The way it feels

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    The way it feels

    I don't know if she is feeling the same way about me even though she says she does. Lately she hasn't been talking to me at all. She warned me that things would get busier for her now but she would still have time with me. It went from us talking everyday for hours to not even talking for 5 minutes before shes ready to leave again. Its more than just her being busy with work or whatever shes busy with. I really don't know what i'm supposed to do. Im trying to be supportive of her and not be soo needy. But we haven't talked in over 2 weeks. I ask her when is it going to be my turn. I just want a couple of hours with her to myself. Am i asking too much here, i just don't know what i am too do, and i asked her that last night and she just kind of blew off the question. She keeps saying how she misses me and all this, but it doesn't seem that she is making the effort to just put a few hours aside for us. I hate this about a LDR, if i was with her and she was this busy it wouldn't be a big deal because i would have the physical closeness, right now i don't have anything. I Don't want to bug her with this but i want to know what she is feeling and thinking, not only about us but about anything else. I just want her back, i believe there is something more going on with her than just work. I hate feeling this way about her

    I guess i'm just rambling but i'm so frustrated and annoyed and so hurt, i don't know what i am to do.

    Aw I'm so sorry that it's going that way for you. I know that my SO and I have to be really intentional about making time...things can get really busy, but if we want it to work we have to carve out the time somehow to be together and just chill and talk over Skype or whatever for a few hours. Maybe you could ask if you could have a date night where neither of you have anything going on for a few hours and can catch up? Try it out...

    Good luck!


      It sounds like you two need to work on your communication. You need to tell your SO what you need from the relationship and what is lacking and how that makes you feel. Actions speak louder than words and if your SO misses you and cares about you as much as they claim then they would also make time for you as well. People make time for things they care about...keep that in mind. I pray that you two are able to work things out :-)


        /sigh. I've been going through the same thing... but instead of sitting around and waiting I chose to get out and do things... I mean... I felt like I was being overbearingly needy so I started to be aloof. <-- haha love that word!!
        Anyways, it worked out... but we're back to that again. He says its just because its the end of the year and there are a million things happening but I can't help but wonder if he is avoiding me... you might need to just find something else to do... something else to occupy your time and mind. Its not going to be easy but it will definitely help.


          I agree with the going out and doing stuff. I would definetly be freaking out and making things worse then they are. I have felt this lately also with my bf. But just try hard to give her space..I would ask her for a date talk on the phone or skype whatever you catch up and have a deep converstation about feelings and what not. Good luck!


            Christmas and new years is always a busy time, if you can be patient then often things will work out. However saying that there are also some good suggestions posted by others. So here is another suggestion

            Plan a date, plan one for a week or two away. And make it like an actual date (even getting dressed up maybe) where you two have a couple of hours uninterrupted time together, even if it is watching a movie online at the same time.

            Also, sad as this may seem, this might also be a good time to spring a romantic gift on her. Send her a rose of something via a flower service with a little card attached. It will remind her that you are being loving but also patient and should hopefully make her realize that she may want to spend a little time with you.

            Good luck
            Love is the only thing that can cross all boundaries and cannot be stopped. It crosses countries, continents, oceans and even the stars themselves. It makes peace in the middle of war, and stops hatred in it's tracks. -Anon

            Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. - Apostle Paul in his first letter to the Church at Corinth (1 Corinthians 13:3-5)

