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So now he's jealous

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    So now he's jealous

    So my bf and I have been getting along a lot better mainly because I've kind of stopped worrying about if we get to spend time together and now he's the one checking in on me all the time. But I posted before about how he was spending alot of time with his friends and his xbox, so when I started playing again and he noticed he also noticed I was playing with guys ... but I mean how can I not play with guys they're the majority of the gaming community. But a couple days ago I was playing with 3 in particular and he kept popping into our party chat and not saying anything even though I kept asking if he wanted to join us and he never said anything so I stopped asking. Then after he left and popped back in he sent me a message saying he didnt think we should be together because he doesn't make me happy as those other guys do. And I was kind of like ... wtf it was a punch in the gut. So I left my game to talk to him and we're still together but now he's telling me to make it a point to everybody that we're together which I dont mind but now I know he's jealous. >.> which I find amusing since when he was always in party chats with other chicks I was being ridiculous because I was annoyed by it.