Totally up for meeting in Beijing! Right now I am personally looking at an early June ish time frame. And yea, the only friend in America that really understands is the one that went with me to Beijing, actually has met him, and such. They actually get along pretty well too-he's like her older brother. I don't blame the rest who don't quite get it either.
No announcement yet.
Worries, Future problems, and is this the end?!
theitchinc, maybe instead of calling him so often, you can space out the calls more, and actually schedule them with him so he knows when to expect you will call. On top of the calls, write him long emails and send snail mail letters to keep in touch, send surprise gift packages and things, which would keep you occupied planning what to send/write him and keep you from missing him TOO much.
hey altessa, thanks for the advice, thankfully i had to be really busy to rush and finish up my internship report. I kinda had no choice but to focus on my work. kinda help take him off my mind for a while but i still think of him here and there. sigh haven't called him in 3-4 days. I'm feeling very unsure of everything right now =(
oh wells he haven't IMed me for days as well ever since the last talk. hopefully he isn't avoiding me
sigh just called him cause i tried the sms to china service fadedsunrise introduced. called him cause he didnt reply and he said he just showered so he didn't see the message then when i called he said he just saw itomg as much as i'm happy he could see the message and it worked he didnt even seem excited or anything to chat with me and said he is busy cause he's washing his clothes
how upsetting. besides we haven't talked for 3-4 days
I was worried he thought he might have to pay a bomb to sms me so he didn't reply (he's going through some financial problems now) so i smsed him again to tell him he doesnt have to pay to receive any sms from me or reply. so I asked him what is he doing now? and he didnt reply. in fact, on Qzone i saw him blogged a really short thing saying "working is the experience of life, work happy, happy working, work happy, happy working." I wonder if anything happened. till now he still haven't replied my sms.
He told me previously the phone that he could use with data plan or internet spoiled so I don't understand why he could blog through mobile Qzone?
Did he lie to me to he didn't have to feel obliged to contact me all the time. like an excuse to make me not expect QQ messages from him?
OR could he have repaired his phone or something? I don't know when am I ever gonna talk to him again
I don't mean to be a downer or anything, but to me it actually sounds like he's not very committed to this relationship and maybe he's trying to distance himself from you. I understand he has a busy schedule, but that's no excuse as to not even reply to your texts or call you or anything. That's just not okay, especially when you're LD. I think you have the right to be upset about this, and if I were you, I would talk to him and ask him straight out what he's doing. Tell him that you know he's busy and you respect that, but you need to know that he's still committed to your relationship, because if not, you don't want to waste your time.
I know it's tough, I really do. But it sounds like this is really torturing you, and it's just not worth it. Good luck hun!
I'm sorry to hear he hasn't been returning your calls/texts. I would be very upset too if I were you. I can see how much you love him, but I think you've already done all that you could. It would be unfair to expect more from you. The ball is in his court now. I really really hope he talks to you soon, because I believe no matter how busy he is, he should be able to spare at least 10 or 15 minutes for a chat.