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Back Home From A Visit....

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    Back Home From A Visit....

    ...when does the really sad feeling go away?!

    I cried the last 2 days I was in Mexico in anticipation of leaving him. I felt really just awful.And then I have woken up the past 2 mornings sans my SO and again, I feel so lonely and sad. I miss him so much!!

    What do you do to cope with the after-visit-blues?!

    Thanks for any advice! This is my first experience feeling this way.

    Aww sorry that your sad!

    But don't focus on the negative, tell us all about how much FUN you all had together! (seriously.. I want details )


      I'm dealing with the exact same thing..
      Good luck, though.


        I know in a few weeks I'll be dealing with this again too. When I visited him last, I held it all in until I got off the car at the airport, choking and sobbing and wanting to hold him forever.
        It took a few days...but focus on the fun time you had, talk to each other like you used to, and keep yourself busy with other things, and the pain of leaving shall go away. Hang in there!


          I haven't experienced this before, we haven't met i have no real advice. Just focus on the next time you will be together and all the fun that you had..and be thankful for the time you got to spend with attitude with gratitude..and you won't be able to be sad


            I met him on my study abroad trip, and came back two weeks ago. I think I'm just about settled in here, and most of the sad is gone. The last day as he started walking me out of the gym, it seemed to all hit me at once that this was the end(before, I'd been pretty cheery when he'd been melancholy), and I started to cry. Cried for the good 20 minutes we were alone, then pushed it all down to meet other people. Cried some on the plane, then at odd intervals these past two weeks when I'd be alone, and see something that reminds me so much of him.

            I still ache from missing him when I'm bored, and lack things to do. So I try to keep busy, and focus on the fact that although visits only come so often, there at least are more. Most study abroad romances don't tend to survive afterwards, and at least this is seeming like it's going to.



              I usually just crawled into a ball in my bed. and cried for a few days... then go through pictures and edit and post them like crazy and tried to keep myself busy until things felt normal... I did that for 2 years. Picked up a book if I had nothing to do, anything to distract myself until it worked.


                thanks for the help. I've been editing my pictures from my trip and remembering how much fun I had. I met his Mom (dad is no longer alive), met his cousins, went to one of his cousins weddings, went out dancing for his birthday, bought him a yummy cake, he bought me a girlfriend/promise-type ring, i bought him one too, and we spent 3 wonderful days on the beach! I got sick at his moms house and boy-oh-boy did he take care of me. made me love him even more than i did before. he took care of me like my mom used to when i was super little. At first it was a little weird being around him because I am so used to typing to him, or seeing him on a computer... but that went away during our 2 hour drive to his moms house. And lemme tell ya, he woke me up every morning with hugs and kisses and it was AMAZING! I just really miss it. He called me on New Years Eve and then texted me on New Years. Cried both times because I just miss him so much, but school is starting so I am sure I will be super busy. we also set a relationship goal: which is for me to apply to a credential program that I found here in CA, which 1/2 of the program takes place in Oaxaca, Mexico so I could live closer and follow my own dreams. And we also set personal goals, his is to save money and practice his english, I am doing the same and practicing my spanish. I am very content with the progress of our relationship, I trust him more than I used to, but still have a ways to go. And I am really excited for our future.

