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Keeping busy at your SO's place...

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    Keeping busy at your SO's place...

    I don't know if this isn't maybe more of a Closing the Distance-Topic, but I felt that it'd probably fit here better.

    The title says it, and I guess I'm not the only one that has come across this problem.

    For those of us who are lucky enough to get to spend extended periods of time (2weeks+?) with their SOs:
    How do you spend your time at their place, when they're busy? How do you keep busy?

    I studied for one semester in my bf's city so I do have a few friends of my own that I can meet up with, when my bf is busy. But obviously, they too have work/school and aren't always available.
    I usually do some housekeeping and cooking, go shopping (his country is quite cheap for me, so I buy most of my clothes here), take long baths (I only have a shower at home) and one or two weeks are no problem. But I'm going to be here for a about 5 weeks in March/April. I'll have to prepare my bachelor's thesis and do some reading but five weeks just seems a really long time...

    Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.

    When my SO came to visit me in November, it was the first visit where I didn't have vacation, but at least I was allowed to bring my SO with me to classes. (probably mostly because my major is Japanese... and well he is Japanese).
    Then it's my turn this time around when I go to Japan. Because for a week my SO has work training from 8am to 4pm. And have thought about what to do in that time. Especially since it's a different part of Japan (than were he normally lives), so I don't know people there. So far my plan is to once again "play tourist" and spend those hours with sightseeing and shopping. Too bad it's an area I've already been to.
    Maybe I should I start planning soon, since there's no internet in the old dormitory my SO and I have to stay in while he has the training.


      I have a lot of hobbies, so I pick the one that most interests me and go with it. For example, when I move to Oz I'll be home most of the time and only working part-time, but I write and am trying to flesh out my freelance writing gigs, finishing my novel and doing all of the legwork I need to get it published. Not much help I'm afraid XD

      Also included are games, sightseeing - I enjoy looking at magazines and tv in other cultures because they're so different...

      LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


        Easy. I got LSAT studying to do until the October test, I will definitely be bringing my SLR to China next time, and also a laptop with photoshop on it. Also would be happy to go trinket shopping(sadly not really clothes shopping-everything is too short in length/size!), and call up my other Beijing friends.

        Last ditch effort, since my SO's a trainer, I can go hang out at work with him hehehe. I just wont' disturb him when he's got students, but when he's free we'll talk. Did that day before I left, so I think I can do that still if I'm REALLY bored.


          I know his city quite well (lived here for half a year) so I'/we've visited most of the touristy places. When I stayed with him 5 weeks in Sept/Oct l did an internship, so I was working during the days.

          But today was only the second day that I was at home and my boyfriend at uni and studying when he came back and I felt like I'd go crazy if I didn't leave the house or talked to someone that is not my SO/his parents. I live in a dorm, so at home I'm not at all used to being alone and there's really only so much studying, reading, writing and sitting alone that I can do.
          I guess theoretically I could go to (some of his) classes with him, but his major must be the most boring academic field there is

          I'll probably try to go to the swimming pool regularly. It'd get me out of the house and give me some exercise (and it's cheaper to go in the mornings, extra motivation).

          Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


            I'm at my SO's right now for the rest of the week. He has to work, but I'm used to it. I usually find something to occupy me like read, watch tv, play sims on my computer. I also have a few friends here so I go out with them sometimes too. However, I do still get bored. I'm always looking for stuff to do that may spark my interest.
            LFAD Book Reading Challenge: 3/25
            -Book's finished: Dreamfever, Time Enough For Love, Oceans Apart

            -Currently Reading: Dark Lover by J.R. Ward, The Shack


              This is actually something I'm really worried about. My SO is coming to live with me for 6 months, he won't have a job (on tourist visa), won't know anyone, and I'm so worried he's going to get so bored!! I have a full time job and will be gone the majority of the week. I've decided that I want him to sign up for a 1/2 marathon so that way he can train daily (and lose weight... which was one of the reasons I suggested it), have something to look forward to, have a goal, and feel good about himself. But besides that I'm stumped. I'm going to try to find some sort of wine tasting class or volunteer options for him to do. I also want him to make friends, but honestly I don't even have a lot of friends where I'm living now.

              He tells me that he won't be bored, that he'll find something to do... I sure hope he does...


                Play alot of Minecraft and WoW, and just hide out in his room till he's back. Or just go home. XD


                  I'm at my ex's place and i've been here since October. When he's at work I wander around Toronto mindlessly (i've been everywhere and done everything you can think of to do in Toronto) or if I want to go out, but don't want to go anywhere, I'll ride all 4 of the subway lines, or i'll even randomly take a bus i've never taken before to see where it goes.

                  Treasuretrooper <-- how I helped pay for some of my LDR expenses when I was in one.


                    Well I don't know yet, as I'm going there for the first time in april. She will have one free week, and the other one in the university.
                    As she's living in Bogota, and the tourists seem to be good targets for racketers, she told me she didn't want me to go around alone. So I think I will sleep until late, and then I will be with her mother who's not working anymore... And as I know myself, I'm sure I will go 1 or 2 days out sightseeing, with my big camera in "La Candelaria"
                    Maybe I'll wait her in the university, to see where she studies, and to show myself to the possible hunters


                      Originally posted by Cucaratcha View Post
                      As she's living in Bogota, and the tourists seem to be good targets for racketers, she told me she didn't want me to go around alone.
                      I haven't been to Colombia, but please PLEASE don't be too cautious. And I bet you think you just read that wrong. But really, don't be too cautious. It takes all the fun out of traveling. You won't get mugged if you walk around during the daytime. You won't have anything stolen if you keep your wits about you. No flashy jewelry. No wallets in pockets. Don't carry a big camera. Don't look lost. Don't carry a ton of money. Don't carry your passport. I mean the simple things.

                      I've heard Bogota is more than beautiful and you could definitely find some nice places to go and be SAFE.

                      (I'm an avid traveler-- have been through all of Latin America, and Peru. The places aren't as dangerous as some people would like you to believe. I've even done some traveling solo and I'm a tall, blonde girl. aka: I stick out like a sore thumb!)


                        I completely understand what you mean about being bored while at your SO's. I also did a semester abroad where my SO lives, but I know I haven't been everywhere in town so it's always fun to find someplace new. I don't know how public transportation is where your SO lives, but the trains in England are great. I sometimes take it to the next big town and go shopping there. It's something new and relatively inexpensive. It gets me out of the house anyway.
                        "I'll hold you in my heart till I can hold you in my arms again."

                        "It's supposed to be hard! If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The what makes it great! -A League of Their Own

                        Met: August 22, 2010
                        Made it official: September 17, 2010
                        Got engaged: January 15, 2012
                        Our First Visit: November 18, 2010-November 28, 2010
                        Our Seventh (and Last) Visit: November 10, 2012-November 24, 2012
                        Got married: November 21, 2012
                        Big Wedding Date: May 25, 2013
                        Closed the Distance: June 2, 2013


                          Lucybelle > I know, im not scared at all the only thing is that my camera is quite big, and I love to take thousands of pictures... But it's true tourists are good targets for them. I read they even do in fake policemen to take u in a dark street to take your money Sure with my spanish they'll notice im not from there, but i like adventure, i will surely go out


                            the only thing that my SO does away from me when i'm there is work.. and he only works 4 hours, so i don't mind at all.. i just hang at home with his mom! i really like spending time with her and it's nice to have that one on one bonding with no men around i'll also just watch tv, clean around the house, do dishes, that kinda stuff!

