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How do you handle your SO leaving?

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    Originally posted by CloseToMyHeart View Post
    The reality of him being gone doesn't hit until a day or 2 later when I want to see him and I cant.

    *~*~*Forever & Always*~*~*


      Wow. Just... wow.

      "If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.”
      - A. A. Milne


        Originally posted by Tabitha View Post
        Wow. Just... wow.
        I don't understand? Elaborate.

        *~*~*Forever & Always*~*~*


          Originally posted by ashleecarol View Post
          I don't understand? Elaborate.
          Not aimed at you. It seems that the post it was in response to was deleted. Sorry.

          "If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.”
          - A. A. Milne


            1) How do you handle the split? Are you a crier or are you more like my SO by being more composed or are you something completely different?

            I'm a major weeper when it comes to goodbyes and that is not limited to my SOs but to anyone close to me. The last time we saw each other was last year and he cried as well and just kept holding me close at the airport. We both realised that things would be more challenging from then on. I cried during the night after leaving the airport but luckily my job as a teacher has helped me a lot in going through difficult days. Sometimes when I'm missing him so badly I could burst in tears and I would call him just to express how I feel. We don't get to chat often because of our jobs but luckily we have been able to cope with everything pretty well.

            2) How does your SO handle the split?

            He's definitely heartbroken and despite being 3 years younger than me, I admire his courage and maturity. He cries at the airport but that's it. He's usually the one who comforts me and tries to convince me in many ways that things will be all right and he's looking forward to having our next meeting. That's one of the things he does best: looking at the bright and positive side...unlike me who can be quite pessimistic hahahaha...

            3) What things do you do to keep yourself from being upset after you've/they've left?

            I try to keep myself busy with any of my favourite activities. My job helps me a lot like I've mentioned above. I sometimes write poems and draw some sketches as a tool to channel my emotion and mood. I read some books that I didn't get to finish as well. Most importantly, I always try to pray regularly because knowing that God is with me and that He knows what's best keeps my sanity intact. But even I do feel upset or sad for not being near him, I don't stop it. I just let it go because it's normal. At the same time I also have to control it because I don't want to be a partner who is too needy or clingy.

            4) For those who have experienced multiple trips with their SO: do you find the split easier as you continue to have trips or are you like me where every split is like the first? Both? Something else?

            We have just met twice since the start of our LDR and the next split is usually harder than the previous one because we never know what's going to happen tomorrow. Despite that, we always try to support each other in any way we can and do our best to make our relationship work.

            Oh I almost forgot, congratulations on your 7th anniversary! That is SO WICKED!

