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Is it normal to feel so down?

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    Is it normal to feel so down?

    I've been feeling extremely irritable this past week. snapping at people. hiding out in my room when my kids go to bed. why? all because my bf hasn't been able to get online for a week (no computer access). Neither of us are great at phone conversations so the two phone calls haven't helped much.

    I've always had a few issues in relationships. I get insecure easily and LDRs make it worse because i don't have the physical contact for reassurance. so during long time periods with no communication it makes me doubt things. (mostly what he's thinking.) A mutual friend of me and my bf says I'm being silly when i start to get this way because he's absolutely crazy about me..

    does anyone else start struggling with doubt and insecurities if your bf/gf isn't around? or am i just messed in the head?
    If nothing ever changed, There would be no butterflys <3

    You aren't messed in the head happens to all of us.

    Focus on WHAT you have. What is deep down inside...the "guts" if you will of the relationship. Right now you aren't able to chat like you are use to...but it doesn't change WHAT the relationships entails.

    This is only temporary.

    Hang in on here...let it out. This site has been WONDERFUL for me...when I get like that...

    Take care!
    NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


      My Boyfriend went home two weeks ago after spending 5 months here with me. I feel lost without him and really haven't been as productive as I would like. New years was the hardest, I randomly burst into tears throughout the evening. I don't have any insecurities about the relationship but I do feel like my right arm is missing now that he is gone.

      Those doubts you are having are something you need to work on yourself. I know it gets hard when they aren't there and it is easy to interpret what they do/ or don't do in a way you wouldn't when they are with you but you need to trust him and know that what your friend says is true.


        I absolutely understand how you feel, for me it did get easier though after a while, I learned to work through my insecurities and the doubts I was creating mostly myself. It takes a lot of patience with yourself and your partner and to learn a great deal of trust to the point where you know you're completely vulnerable to them and you're okay with that. Relationships evolve with time, even long distance ones, especially maybe even long distance ones.


          I think it's pretty normal to react the way you do. I know I do that too.. maybe it's a woman thing, I don't know. But I think when in a LDR everything is just so much harder, and the strain that the distance puts on the relationship can drive me crazy at times. It's like the distance makes all your insecurities even worse, you know?
          I'm actually feeling that way now too. Just having a very bad couple of days.. I trust my bf, but he's an attractive guy, and even though I know he loves me, I sometimes do struggle with the 'what if'..
          So I know how you feel. Keep reminding yourself that he loves you, and that it's only because you miss him. But yeah, it's so hard..


            I also understand this. Sometimes when I don't talk to my boyfriend as much as I'd like it puts me in a bad mood and I take it out on other people :\ It happens. Like Karringtyn said, just remember what you have and you will get through this tough part

