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Great White North: A holiday trip description

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    Great White North: A holiday trip description

    okay, so I'm a week out since I returned home from Alex's house, missing him so much I feel like my heart is being ripped in half. I'm still sick from the climate change (no humidity in the Great White North and so much down here in Texas), but I should prolly tell y'all some of the stuff that happened.

    I spent December 17th flying from DFW to Edmonton International and when we finally touched down in Edmonton it was -17 degrees C and I was exhausted from lugging around my carryons (the only baggage I brought) through two airports already (layover in Toronto). I called my mom to let her know I landed safely and I texted Alex to let him know I had arrived. I was too tired to remember that calling him would've been nicer. ^^; still... when I came down the escalator and saw the crowd of people waiting I didn't see Alex in the sea of faces right off, so I began to skirt around the crowd and that's when I saw him, coming over to meet me. My legs felt like led but I started running anyway and when I got to him I dropped my bags, threw my arms around him and we kissed. Not a big kiss, just a short, sweet one, but it was SUCH a step up from last time ^^;

    When we broke apart we were both smiling and I was blushing and I looked over and realized his sister was RIGHT THERE. She was grinning but it only made me blush brighter and want to hide behind Alex. ^^; But we all got in his sister's car and drove back to their house (usually a 3 hour drive, we ended up having to be on the road for around 4 hours, maybe 4 hours and 20 minutes) and saw a moose standing ominously on the side of the road on the way. by the time we got home it was after 2 in the morning. I texted my mom real fast to let her know we got back safe and then Alex and I went inside. I was expecting to be led to a guest room but instead he led me to his room and said, "Okay, let's go to our room now." that made me feel really warm.

    we got changed and ready for bed and that first night was amazing, just cuddling in each others arms. Though, sleeping was interrupted by spontaneous talking and making out ^^;

    That next day we just hung out and cuddles and talked and held hands and kissed and watched movies. His sister's puppy kept getting jealous of me when we cuddled or kissed, though ^^; it was hilarious. and that night we went over to his parents' house and had sort of a Christmas dinner type thing. his parents were going to Las Vegas for Christmas with his mom's parents so we were having an early Christmas with them.

    his parents gave me a really sweet card and $200 CAD. They did the same for him and his sister ^^; His aunt and uncle gave me a beanie hat, gloves, and a scarf, all of which I love. oh! and a chocolate orange and hot cocoa.

    Eventually, after an evening of fun and enjoyment, Alex and I went back home and cuddled. We ate some chocolate, watched more movies, played some games, and cuddled in bed. Over the next few days we hung out with his best friend and all had a blast. We also saw the new Narnia movie. That was fun.

    On Christmas day Alex and his sister and I headed out to his grandparents' house. He has never introduced any girl he was dating before me. his grandmother had been cooking all day and made a turkey and cabbage rolls and perogies and mashed potatoes and all these other things that she grew from her garden and it was all wonderful.

    Both of them absolutely loved me and was talking about when we "get married" and stuff ^^; Then we found out his aunt got engaged and they're getting married this summer. If he's invited then he's bringing me as his date. *blushes*

    through the next week we just hung out together and with his friends. We talked about a lot of relationship stuff, tears were shed and cuddles were had. The last night was the hardest ever. he told me that he's making the next visit no matter what, it's not fair to me to have to go back up there for the next visit so he is coming down to Texas hopefully before July.

    We decided that one day we want to get married, but that could be from 3 to 5 years in the future, we'll have children after we're married and all that sort of stuff. So I miss him really badly. ^^;

    oh, and he gave me his favorite shirt from high school because he said he will put it in my care because it's a special shirt for a special girl.


      It sounds like you had a wonderful time =) Very happy for you guys.


        I am glad you had such a nice time! Welcome back!
        NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


          I am glad you had a great time. Keep your chin up! The distance won't last forever


            Glad you had such a nice visit and you're already discussing when to meet again (which is really important).


              I'm from Edmonton! My boyfriend just came to visit me here from England....he didn't seem so keen on the weather here either!


                Oh, I loved the weather and I miss it...and Alex and Timmy Ho's and all this other stuff ^^;

