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I got to see him!

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    I got to see him!

    Hey everybody, how was everyones Christmas and New Years? Mine went pretty well, I finally got to see my boyfriend after 5 months, and we got to spend New Years together, so that was really nice. He left 3 days ago. For some reason this has been the hardest time letting him go, in my mind I still refuse to think that he is gone if that makes sense? It's hard to explain really, like I guess I'm just scared of when the next time will be when we see each other. This trip went really well, we have matured a lot in our relationship, we talked about some pretty major things that was much needed and I enjoyed every min of the time I had with him, we have been together for almost a year now, I can't believe it. For some reason I thought that it would get easier seeing him and then him leaving and such, but it gets more and more difficult every time.

    The day he left to go back was very hard as well, 30 minutes after I dropped him off at the airport I had to go to work, so I was pretty much bawling while I was driving there and had to just suck it up while I was there. And what was hard too was for the first hour I was working he was still at the airport so I was mad because I wanted to be there with him but it doesn't work that way. He was already checked in and ready to leave, so I couldn't sit with him.

    I know other peoples situations have been much harder, but how do you guys deal with it? I seem to only come on here when I'm all down, sorry about that, I need to come on here to support others as well!

    Hey =) Christmas and New Years was awesome thanks, quiet but nice. I see yours was awesome with your boyfriend, your sooo lucky you got to be with him at midnight =)

    I am happy you had a great time together, stories like these make me smile, because I realise how strong our relationships are, dealing with all the stress of planning visits and the upset of saying goodbye.

    I dont think there is a way to deal with it, just let everything be natural. If you feel like crying, then cry, if you feel like smiling, just smile. Keep yourself as busy as possible, do things that you enjoy. This will help ease the pain.

    Hope you feel better soon =)


      hey if you only come here when you are down, it's ok...we are ALL here for support friend.

      I am glad you had a nice time! I have a very hard time when the visits are over, so I am not one to give advice...I just say "feel your feelings.." and then get back to your routine as soon as you can!
      NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


        Sounds like you guys had a great visit

        Like Yorkshire Girl said, just do what feels natural. I usually just allow myself a few days to cry it out/wallow in self-pity and then I try to snap out if it and, as my Mom says, put on my big girl panties. I just try to get back to my daily routines and remember to be thankful for what I do have


          Thanks guys, I think that is my problem, just not allowing myself to feel what I'm feeling pretty much . I think it's hard too because we are both in crappy living situations, so when we are together it just feels right, and then when we have to go back to where we live right now, it hits us hard. Thanks again though. You guys are awesome! I don't know what I would do without this place!


            Hey Cody! Congrats on your first visit It's always hard to say goodbye. Once you settle back into your ordinary routine, you'll pull through. Y
            Read my LDR story!

