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    These few days I have been argued much with my SO. The reason is, I'm being cold to her. This is what she feel. Why I'm cold because the way she treated me. Okay, maybe I'm being childish. And she admitted she being so sensitive. Another reason is, I'm jealous. There are times i don't trust her. The more i try the more i hurt. Yesterday, we have been talking over the phone for 2 hours till she got home. Trying to solve / fix our problems but it's getting worse. We really have a big misunderstanding issue. And lately, i'm easy to blew up. Most of the time, I can't control my anger. Whenever I try to explained why I'm being cold, why i did this and that, she'll take differently. Every time i asked her, she may feel that i accused her. That's not what I mean. I just being jealous. But she doesn't like it. She will raise her voice when she answered.
    I don't blame with all happened because I'm selfish too. I want to be more compromise but how? How can i control my anger?

    Maybe you two need to take a time out from communicating for a couple days and in that time write down what each of you believes is wrong and how it can be fixed, then come back and compare notes. When both of you are on the edge nothing is going to get done and all you will do is fight, but if you take time to breathe and calm down then things can start to get done. As well, you need to work on the jealousy/trust issue because both ruin relationships fast and it's not healthy for you. If you can't trust her, how can you be with her? From the sounds of it you both have a lot of work to do in order to repair the relationship so that it doesn't fail.


      You really need to get a handle on the anger. Nothing will disolve a relationship quicker, been there!

      I too would suggest you take a couple of days to sit and truly think about what is going on, what you want out of life, out of the relationship, sometimes taking a break will put things in perspective...
      NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


        Sometimes, when i need to sort out my problems, I write it down first. It helps me to formulate my 'speech' and I actually think while I am writing it - I think if it doesn't hurt the other person, if it is really what I mean and stuff. Try it and you might find your problem.


          Originally posted by LadyMarchHare View Post
          Maybe you two need to take a time out from communicating for a couple days and in that time write down what each of you believes is wrong and how it can be fixed, then come back and compare notes. When both of you are on the edge nothing is going to get done and all you will do is fight, but if you take time to breathe and calm down then things can start to get done. As well, you need to work on the jealousy/trust issue because both ruin relationships fast and it's not healthy for you. If you can't trust her, how can you be with her? From the sounds of it you both have a lot of work to do in order to repair the relationship so that it doesn't fail.
          You were right LadyMarch. I guess we better not communicate till we re okay. I have say it to her and she disagree. She blew up and crying...

