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:( need help.

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    I'm going through a similar process - I'm planning to move to Australia this year. There are two things really going on here 1) how you two are planning to live and 2) both of your's money situation.

    He should plan his savings not on how many months he's going to save, but how many months of UK expenses he has saved up. That will help. I would suggest he make sure he has enough for closer to 6 months than 3, as I know jobs in the UK can be difficult to get, depending. He should see if he can line up one before hand.

    Are you planning on living together? Supporting him if he can't get a job easily? Those are things you'll both need to consider.

    LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


      Originally posted by xsomanymilesx View Post
      oh and i also live in manchester,
      Hey I live so close to you :-) Across the moors in Barnsley :-) Sorry, I just got all excited at the thought of living so close to a fellow LDR'er.


        ooo thats not far from me at all.
        and the thing about money is i cant really give him any, im 17 and at sixth form and i dont have a job. :/ its tricky. hes saving up though til august because he works full time. and wiht the online job applications thats a good thing. how popular is getting a job over a phone interview though? becuase he doesnt want to pay for a flight to come over ealier for an interview if he wont get the job?


          I think a lot of jobs these days offer phone interviews for people who live far away. Either that or skype interviews. Just talk to the work place if they don't offer it automatically.


            thanks for the advice i'll definitely tell him about the skype thing.

