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My Failed Relationship, wondering how it went wrong

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    My Failed Relationship, wondering how it went wrong

    I have never posted in these forums. But I was wondering if I could get some feedback on my failed LDR, from people who are in similar circumstances. I just keep asking myself what went wrong.

    I dated this girl for a month in a half in the summer, it was very intense, both of us felt strongly for each other, or so it seemed. Sadly she had to go to back to school in Europe in early October.

    When she first got over there we talked everyday and we had great convos. I missed her but I was happy. I booked a plane ticket to see her for a month over Christmas and New Years.

    After a few weeks it was like someone flipped a switch on her. She changed overnight it seemed. She would pick arguments with me over minor bullshit, telling me I shouldn't come *just* to see her, and I should come to see Europe. She seemed to have less and less interest in the relationship and she showed less affection. We stopped talking everyday. Her school schedule took up a lot of her time and I understood that, but whenever we did talk all she would do is complain, or we would fight, and she would show no affection at all ( unless she was drinking it seemed). She would spend all day watching TV all day then when I was ready to chat she said she had homework and was busy now. While I would try to schedule my day so I would have time to talk to her.

    I tried to talk about the issues but she always pushed it off and said she didn’t want to talk right then. I felt quite upset about this because here I am making such a big investment and sacrifice to go over there and spend Christmas with her.

    This caused me to act needy and tell her that I felt things weren't going good and I couldn't go on in a relationship like that. I felt things weren’t going well so I felt I had to bring it up. But maybe it drove her further away. I asked her if things were okay and told her I was worrying 3 – 4 times over a month.

    She would tell me that I bring that up all the time and I'm driving her crazy and she is acting the way she was because of stress, and that everything would be okay when I got to Europe because she would have no stress. She said she needed to be able to touch someone to feel close to them.

    When I got to Europe she would pick fights with me over minor things, not want me to touch her cause she had a cough, and when I tried accused me of just wanting sex. We broke it off after a few days and I went home.

    Maybe we shouldn't have talked everyday. Maybe I acted needy by voicing my worries over the relationship like I did.

    But I feel going Long Distance after a month and a half romance is very hard on anyone.

    What could I have done to stop her from losing attraction?

    I really don't know if there's anything you could have done. It seems like this girl wasn't as invested in the relationship as you were. It also seems like the stress from her school took a heavy toll on your relationship. When you got to Europe, things were definitely different between the two of you. You still felt the same way about her, but her feelings had changed. I honestly think that maybe she just wasn't the right girl for you. She probably was not able to handle the long distance as well as you were. If she visits you again maybe you can try to start things over, or if you are sure it is over you can spend some time to recover from it and date girls where you live. There's somebody out there for everybody, so don't ever give up!


      You need to stop right now analyzing what happened! In order for a LDR or any relationship for that matter to work it requires both parties to be understanding and committed. It seems that her actions played a huge part in the relationship ending, she maybe was not ready for what she was getting into with you. I am sorry that it did not work out but don't blame yourself and dwell over little things you did or didn't do. There was nothing you could have done to stop her from losing the feelings for you, there were issues she had that not even you could help solve.


        You guys are right. She obviously wasn't up for the relationship. I think anything I did would have just porlonged the bad relationship. I just keep wondering what might have been.


          Don't keep wondering. The relationship ended not because of the distance, but because you weren't meant for each other. Go out and find the right person for you who will make you HAPPY.


            She just wasn't that into you, but instead of being mature about it, she toyed with you, she showed you that as soon as she said don't go to Europe for her, but for seeing Europe. Don't waste your time wondering what might have been, because the answer is nothing, unfortunately. For whatever reason, any feelings she might have had disappeared once she went home, which happens when what you thought could be love was really just infatuation, there's nothing you could have done to change it, just look at it as a lesson learned and be glad that she showed herself for who she really was relatively early into it.
            Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


              It seems like she just wasn't invested in the relationship. An LDR will fail if one person doesn't care enough. I doubt it had anything to do with you.


                Originally posted by Moon View Post
                She just wasn't that into you, but instead of being mature about it, she toyed with you, she showed you that as soon as she said don't go to Europe for her, but for seeing Europe. Don't waste your time wondering what might have been, because the answer is nothing, unfortunately. For whatever reason, any feelings she might have had disappeared once she went home, which happens when what you thought could be love was really just infatuation, there's nothing you could have done to change it, just look at it as a lesson learned and be glad that she showed herself for who she really was relatively early into it.
                I second this completely!


                  You did absolutely nothing wrong. It sucks when people aren't as serious about the relationship as are you and thus confuse infatuation or a crush with real feelings. I applaud you being a "real" person and having real emotions. A lot of people these days are good at faking it but good luck on your next relationship it seems you are a real catch


                    Sorry you had to go through this, keep your head seem like a great person and some day someone will truly see it and love you for you.
                    NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                      Thanks everyone. I'm going to put this whole thing behind me and try to move on and find someone who I can be happy with. Thanks for all the kind words and encouragement.

