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We Are All Alone In This Together <3

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    We Are All Alone In This Together <3

    Last night I was having trouble sleeping, tossing and turning as usual. Cuddling close to the stuffed animal dog that Erik gave me on our first and only visit so far. I named him Mr. Snuggles. Anyways I was upset and missing Erik as usual when I had a sudden and wonderful thought that seemed to cheer me up quite a bit. I wondered how many other people out there were doing the same exact or near exact thing as I was. Alone, in a long distance relationship, having trouble sleeping and cuddling a stuffed animal while missing their love. I felt better knowing I'm not the only one in pain, the only one to hurt and miss someone they love so much and I'm definitely not the only one in this struggle that we ALL go through on a daily basis. I guess it gave me strength and hope and I just wanted to share my thought with all of you, maybe it'll help you feel better too when you're really down.

    Thats really sweet. When I am down that much, I can't focus on the good thinking like this might make me get out of my funk. It is easy to get wrapped up in your own life..and not think about others...but when you do, it always seems to help.


      I have one of her favourite scarf, she used to wear when our relationship started. When I first brought her back home, it was around 1am, and she gave me that scarf to not be cold while going back to my house. This night, I slept with it for the first time, it was an amazing night I have to say. I told her later I did so, and she finaly gave it to me, and since then, everynight that I'm not in her arms, I'm sleeping with "Scarf".

      If I'm in this forum it's because it makes me stronger to see that I'm not the only one, and to see that some people have been in a LDR for years... Since I'm in this website, when I see those signatures "Together for x years" I'm always telling myself "why not me (us)?".
      I think someone who hasn't been in a LDR can't understand someone who's into it, so that's why when we feel weak, it's so good to speak with people who know how you really feel.

      I think more people than we think are in a LDR
      Last edited by Cucaratcha; January 8, 2011, 07:50 PM.


        I'm glad I'm not the only one that cuddles a stuffed animal at night in place of her SO.

        It's an interesting thought though, how many people are in the same pain as you right at the same time in their beds, wishing it wasn't empty. I never really think about it outside of this forum just how many people feel exactly what I do, know the pain and joy I do, and are everywhere.


          I have those moments where I really miss Eric a lot and I get really down about it. Thankfully we text, A LOT! It also helps me to look at pictures of him on my phone that he sends me a few times a week, or pictures from our visits, places we have gone together, things we have done, etc. Good memories with him make me feel better.. most of the time. =D


            It's funny that you made this post, cause my SO's name is Erik with a 'K' and I also have a teddy bear from him that kind of looks like a Cat.. lol nontheless I still love it very much and snuggle with it everytime I miss him at night. I called the bear my "Erik Bear" very original yes I know.


              I still do that now when he's not sleeping over xD. Hell, I do it when he does :P. I just cuddle both :'D. Old habit die hard, and why would I wanna give this one up? It made me happy to have something to snuggle when he wasn't around :'D.


                Originally posted by __ms.jaye View Post
                It's funny that you made this post, cause my SO's name is Erik with a 'K' and I also have a teddy bear from him that kind of looks like a Cat.. lol nontheless I still love it very much and snuggle with it everytime I miss him at night. I called the bear my "Erik Bear" very original yes I know.
                hahahaha yes I've noticed you around and have loled at it before ^_^


                  The reason I mostly cuddle with Mr. Snuggles lately is because I sent his shirt back to get " re stinkified " as the smell wore off of it, I put the shirt on a pillow and would cuddle that, but Mr. Snuggles Is more effective in a way and he doesnt distract me with the smell of Erik while I'm trying to sleep XD


                    Haha! Wow! Everyone's name is Erik (or Eric).. that's funny, coz my bf's name is Erik too (with a K, yes ) Well, as long as it's not the same one..
                    I actually have one of his football jerseys that he wore a couple times before he gave it to me. So I keep it wrapped up, so that way it still smells like him. Feels kind of obssessed to say, lol. But I take it out and smell it at least once a day.. good to hear I'm not the only one


                      Originally posted by Stina83 View Post
                      Haha! Wow! Everyone's name is Erik (or Eric).. that's funny, coz my bf's name is Erik too (with a K, yes ) Well, as long as it's not the same one..
                      I actually have one of his football jerseys that he wore a couple times before he gave it to me. So I keep it wrapped up, so that way it still smells like him. Feels kind of obssessed to say, lol. But I take it out and smell it at least once a day.. good to hear I'm not the only one
                      Haha it's funny it's such a popular name, he's the first Erik I've ever met. Hahaha and yeah it's definitely not the same one : ) No worries


                        Yeah, didn't realize it was so popular! My bf is American though, so I his name should be with a 'c' and not a 'k', kind of unusual I guess


                          I love this topic and this forum it's always nice to have support and especially by people who understand you.


                            Me and my SO have this exact looking stuffed bear that we both named! the one i had with me represents him which i named (little tofu in chinese) and the one he has represents me (little beans in chinese). I wore a winter coat for mine cause it's really cold at beijing for him now. sub-zero temperatures! my poor baby.

                            And yes i manage to get a shirt of his but sadly one without his scent. Cause it just reek of his roommate's and his own cigarette smell. Which i hate! so I went to wash it and just wear it all the time to remember him. I have some videos of him and us to put me to bed too!

                            Sadly I promise that when i leave i would develop a photo of us and place it in the wallet i bought for him but i didn't have enough time to get those done. So initially he was quite disappointed. So he actually have no form of ways to remember me except through memories and that bear!


                              Haha, I have a whole army of stuffed animals that my boyfriend has given me over the time, from a classical teddy bear, over an elephant, a dog, a mouse/rat and a few pigs (my favourite animals). For Christmas he even gave me a hot-water bottle, so I can almost pretend that he's here with me.

                              Knowing that I'm not the only one doesn't make it easier as such, but it's still good to know. And I hate talking about my LDR with my friends. Most of them are single, so I feel like they must be bored to death by how perfect and amazing and adoring and everything my boyfriend is. I get a lot of "You've done this for so long. If it's meant to be, it will be, even if you're going to be apart for another year." sigh I'm not at all worried about us breaking up, but I ******* hate that he's so far away, I miss him terribly every single day and I want us to be together all the time... NOW... is that so hard to understand?!

                              Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.

