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He got my (very late) xmast present!

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    He got my (very late) xmast present!

    It was two days ago he sound upset because he haven't got the xmast present from me. We track it down and found out that Germany customs kept it like a week!
    Yesterday afternoon i see his offline message and said "i got the present!"
    So last night we chat again, and he said he haven't open the present because he wait for me. He sound very excited.
    So i said open it! he did...
    And then a pause...i wait the reply worry if he wont like my present. He type something "..its a mug" heheh it is, but its a magic mug. He also found the mouse pad.
    I order a special mouse pad with our picture on it. I know that he work a kit with computer... and i know he wont put my picture on his work desk... so a mouse pad with our pictures when we traveling together... also the places we go to the restaurant and the teddy bear.. its just perfect. He sound very excited about the mouse but not about the mug.
    I ask him to test the mug with hot water, and ask him to made coffee (he was at office when we chat--6hrs difference)
    First he said its just too much time etc. And then i said ok, try with toilet water if you dont need to drink. He did.
    And then he type very fast and said, "it work!!!" hehehe
    Its a thermal mug... when its cold its only said "getting lost with you was not on my traveling to do list, but i don't mind getting lost with you again!"
    When you put hot water or tea or coffee... the surface of the mug (black) turned into our pictures also macau tower picture and something said "meeting you was a destiny became your friend was a choice but falling in love with you i can't control"
    He went so happy!
    He said i will call you now! so we talk on phone.
    He sound very excited with the mug, and i think the waiting worthies now!
    I order that mug and mouse pad in other town, and i ask them to made specific design that i create... its really worth the time. He said he never see anything like that, for both mouse pad and magic mug... i am so happy because he sound very excited.

    And at the end of our phone conversation, i told him... hey i had your valentine present too now! hehehe..... and he went so surprise again! love it!

    I am so happy that your present arrived safetly, and that your all set for your valentines day too!! I still have no gotten my present yet from my SO and he is the US to Canada, then again his state did have a storm... *sigh* i wish I had my present.


      That's Awesome! I havn't even gotten my Chistmas present yet, if my SO is telling the truth and actually got me something, which I'm beginning to doubt. ^.^


        Originally posted by __ms.jaye View Post
        I am so happy that your present arrived safetly, and that your all set for your valentines day too!! I still have no gotten my present yet from my SO and he is the US to Canada, then again his state did have a storm... *sigh* i wish I had my present.
        I sent the present at Dec 24, 2010. Its almost take like 3 weeks to get to Germany. First we just think its ok because he went back to his hometown in Russia for two weeks, and think well... it should be there when he was home.. but its not!

        But he said it was a normal procedure for customs to watch the incoming package and its holiday season maybe they had so many packages to check one by one!

        I can't believe it survive the long weeks, the mugs and mouse pad! i can't stop laugh because hearing him sound like a kids just got his xmast present for the very first time... even to type this now made me blushing! (happy because he sound very happy!)


          Originally posted by Jangle1901 View Post
          That's Awesome! I havn't even gotten my Chistmas present yet, if my SO is telling the truth and actually got me something, which I'm beginning to doubt. ^.^
          ....well.... i think when he got home and he didn't had his xmast present yet (while i had xmast present from him like since a week ago!!) he might think that i didn't send him the present... its just took sometimes for the things that i order to finish because its near to xmast and lots of people ordering gift too... and also because its custom made it took sometimes..

          I feel sad when he sound like he didn't believe me... even if he didnt say it.... just try to tell him that maybe its because holiday season thats why so many present to check by the post office or the custom office (because that might be the case also) and he become relax and does think that i might be right... just wait for your present... if he said its coming.. the it is!


            heheh about the valentine... i just went browsing for online shop and i saw this beautiful couple necklace shape like two rings and it had something written on it said "Love is courage & Dreams Comes True" i just think wow this is perfect.. because thats what i feel about us!

            It does took courage to do this LDR and he is my dreams comes true!


              That mug sounds awesome


                Aww, that's so sweet - I'm glad he liked it so much. There's a special joy when our SO's love their gifts. :3

                LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


                  Originally posted by mllebamako View Post
                  That mug sounds awesome
                  this is how it suppose to looks like... well... mine had different picture of course! the one i sent him is with our picture together


                    Originally posted by Silviar View Post
                    Aww, that's so sweet - I'm glad he liked it so much. There's a special joy when our SO's love their gifts. :3
                    ohh yes... sure its very special! different kin of happiness to know he love it! he bring both the mug and mouse pad to his office and use it at his desk! he could see our pictures anytime!


                      I love that mug!!! What a great gift!

