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SO dreams?

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    SO dreams?

    Do you ever have crazy dreams about your SO? What about daydreams? If so, are they good or Bad? Discuss!

    I have dreams about my SO a lot, and some are better than others. Like, the most memorable dream I've had was he showed up at my door, snuggled with me til I fell asleep, and kissed me the next morning before he left. I'd never had a dream like That! It was practically a dream fueled by my wishes.. Love does odd things to the mind! Anyways, what are some of your dreams, if Any?

    Whenever I have a dream about my SO it's in a bad way. We either break up or one of us dies.

    I don't know why I only dream about such things, but my SO apparently has sweeter dreams involving the both of us.


      Ha! I do have crazy dreams indeed :P I have dreamt about my SO several times, and now.. well, I tend to have very veeeeeery weird dreams as it is, but when you add in HER ... they don't really get any less weird ^^ I absolutely LOVE dreaming about her, and it happens fairly often. Unfortunately I'm not nearly as good at recalling my dreams as she is, so I can only on rare occations remember what we did or what happened.. but I always wake up feeling good when she's been a part of my night - aaaand falling asleep and waking up with her on Skype doesn't exactly make it any worse

      I can only remember one dream in which things were .. less nice. But that was the first one I had after taking off, so that doesn't count. How can you NOT feel a little uncertain when you have just jumped head-first into a LDR? ...At least (apparently) subconsciosly? But all of them have been delightfully cheerful after that one

      Just to give you an idea, examples from my dreams about her could be:
      - Me being chased by dinosaurs and mutated dogs through her parents back yard.
      - Us dancing in mud with a lot of other people at an old ruin.. and then suddenly everyone disappears!
      - Her dad and his hunting rifle .... :S Wah!
      - Us doing .. er, things I better not mention here ... on the roof of a bicycle shed.

      Hehe, and her dreams are even MORE crazy than mine :P


        Originally posted by NaNi View Post
        Whenever I have a dream about my SO it's in a bad way. We either break up or one of us dies.

        I don't know why I only dream about such things, but my SO apparently has sweeter dreams involving the both of us.
        Yea, dreams are weird like that. Although I've found that I almost savor those dreams, even when they are bad, becase I can remember everything.. Like, I have maybe 2 pics of my SO, and can never get him to send me any, so I can kinda see everything again in my dreams. Being that I havn't seen him in over a year, since I met him, I'll take all the memories I can get.

        And Bølle, your dreams are Weird!!!!


          I usually have sweet dreams about my SO. But, just the other night I had a super crazy one that was more of a nightmare. I'll do a brief summary: my SO and I were escaping from a killer and when we finally did I said "let's go, let's get on a plane tomorrow and leave." He said "no, we need to go back and find him and bring him to justice."

          I think that has to do with my current feelings of him not being able to leave his home country yet. And me thinking "JUST LEAVE!"

          Anyways, whenever I dream about him, in the morning I always feel like I've spent some time with him. Which is awesome.


            I always dream small things, then when they happen its a lovely deja vu. I dream about things like us laughing and talking about nothing in a restaurant eating breakfast, just feeling happy.. and then we ended up doing exactly that.. this last week. Same tables, chairs, waitress.. always makes me smile really wide when that happens.

            Everything I know, and anywhere I go, It gets hard but it won't take away my love,
            And when the last one falls, when it's all said and done, It gets hard but it won't take away my love


            Me without Him is like Son of Beast without the loop.


              I've had dreams about my SO. I'm semi-good at recalling them, well atleast way better then she is. Mostly it's about us doing something together.
              Mostly when we were LD I got so sad when I woke up. It felt so real and now suddenly something took that safety I felt in the dream away.

              Her dreams has been all from helicopter weddings to a kiss in the rain. They are generally a bit more normal then my dreams are. My dreams have been everything from burning down a house, meeting the devil, fighting off giant spiders, being unicorns to living through an entire life in one single dream. A bit like the first narnia movie. They live a life in narnia and then get back all young. I lived an entire life in my dream and woke up when I died in my dream to it being morning. That was scary


                I've had lots of dreams about my SO but, weirdly enough i've only had one dream where he was actually there. The rest have been me talking to him on the computer. And one time a I had a dream that he switched his fb relationship status from single to in a relationship, but I wasn't the other person. that dream sucked.


                  I have dreams all the time. Some good, some bad. I have had a couple that have hurt so bad....and I swore they were real....
                  NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                    I have a lot of dreams where he's in my bed or we've met/are doing something, the normal stuff. The strangest one I've had was it was the middle of the night and out of nowhere came this ticking clock, swinging back and forth like on a pendulum. Next he came into view from some hidden light source dressed as the Mad Hatter (no I don't have an obsession problem) where he opened a door and led me into this world of light and color and all sorts of pretty things to a tea party. I think I had that dream after 4 months of us being together.


                      I tend to have pretty weird dreams, and usually my SO is just there kind of in the background, accompanying me with whatever I'm doing. I've never had any light, fluffy dreams about him. Or about anything really. My dreams just tend to be bizarre :P

                      I have had a few nightmares about him though. One where I woke up and he was sitting in bed next to me downing several bottles of beer (I'm not a fan of alcohol), and another where he left me for my roommate (which is weird because we both hate her )


                        Quite a few of my dreams with him are strangely normal and non-descript. It's just comfortable, cozy, and peaceful, which is quite nice - it feels like I'm with him despite the many miles between us. During this last visit, after running around three different department stores to register during the day, I had dreams of the exact same things during the night. It was exhausting! Couldn't I ever get a break from picking colors, patterns, and appliances?!

                        Then the others involve certain things that I KNOW have never happened before... those are always interesting.
                        My heart belongs to a pilot!


                          I've had two really distressing dreams about my SO the past two nights.

                          The first one was I walk into my bedroom and see this blanket on the floor. I pick it up and there is my SO and some blonde girl naked. I was beyond pissed and stormed away.

                          The second one was that I was at a bank and I saw my ex. He kissed me and I shoved him away and he said " I'm sorry, I don't want to lose you again". He invites me to this party, which I go to. I arrive and i accidently spill a beer and every was pissed at me. I went to find some paper towels and the people there were all talking behind my back. I came back and some girl asks me " So what's Rich's[ex's] Favorite last name on a girl?" I walk out into the living room and my SO is there, dressed in a collared shirt and sweater (which he never wears). I ask him to walk me to a friend's house down the street and he says that he would and to wait for him outside. So I wait and I wait and then I get a text from him that reads" FUCK YOU, Pirates stay together!!". So I walk to my friend's by myself.

                          Anyone any good at dream interpretations?
                          "We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love " ~ Theodore Seuss Geisel.


                            I've only had sad dreams in general...I rarely have happy ones. I can only remember 3 of them with my SO. 2 he wasn't there, but the whole dream I was looking and trying to end the distance but right when we would, something happened and it got pushed back further. The one dream I had made me wake up crying: I was calling him and texting him then suddenly it stopped. I didn't get a response for a week so I eventually called his parents and they told me crying that he died. The rest of the dream I was just floating by, never saying anything to anyone and was weirdly always with his was pretty bad...


                              Strangely enough, I don't ever dream/remember my dreams, but she tells me about the one's she's had with me in them every morning, when she has them. It's nice to be dreamed of so well!

