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looking for some suuport

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    looking for some suuport

    I am an emotional wreck! My SO leaves tomorrow and I have been crying my eyes out off and on all day. I usually handle him leaving fairly well but since he has been here a whole month it almost feels like we are starting all over again if that makes since. It's so much harder seeing him off after a long period of time than just a short weekend. I'm just looking for some positive words to get me in a better mood on our last night together.
    Any suggestions on getting me in a better mood? My SO tried to cheer me up and he does but it's only temporary and I'm tired of crying lol

    Madly in love with Michael

    awww cheer up! you don't wanna spend this night crying. you want to be happy before he leaves. I dunno if you've ever read gone with the wind... but i like scarrlett O'harras veiw of upsetting things. she'll put off thinking about it until tomorrow. she says she doesn't have time to be upset about it now, she'll be upset about it tomorrow. I find thats helped me a bit too.

    try not to think about it until tomorrow. you still get today and then tomorrow is the first day in the count down to the next time you see him!
    If nothing ever changed, There would be no butterflys <3


      I was in the exact same situation a few days ago! My boyfriend and I had to separate after spending four whole months together. It was so much harder than usual because it felt like a huge step backwards. We'd basically been living together and supporting ourselves for those 4 months, and now we're both back in our separate states living with our parents while we go to school :\

      I don't really have any advice; I spent a day or two crying myself :P


        It's not an easy situation to be in at all (I usually start crying a few days before the end of a visit, myself), but I've found that if I try to distract myself from the thought that he's about to leave, it helps to lift my mood at least a little bit. (Like Teakany's suggestion in the previous post.) I beat a video game and played some card games with my SO the night before he left, and they served to be fun distractions and made us both smile for a least a little while.

        Again, I agree with the idea of trying not to think too much about it, if possible. You don't want the sadness from your parting tomorrow to steal your joy today. Once, while he was driving two hours to drop me off at the airport, I was in tears and my SO had the biggest smile on his face. I was a little taken aback by that and thought it strange that he wasn't acting the slightest bit sad. When I questioned him about it, he said, "But we're still together, right now. You haven't left yet. How can I be sad when I have you with me? "

        Focusing on that truth (that we were still together, at least for now) has helped me greatly in days leading up to the end of a visit. It doesn't completely eliminate your sadness, but it helps lift your mood for a time.

        I'm rooting for you through this difficult time!
        My heart belongs to a pilot!


          It is awful, isn't it? I am so sorry to hear about your situation and seeing as I just went through that similar situation less than a week ago, I definitely know how you feel. Just enjoy your moments together before he has to leave. Laugh and go through every thing you've done during the trip and how much fun you had! Talk about your next time together and what you activities you can do depending on whether you go to his place or yours!

          It is hard when they've been with you longer. You get use to them always being around, getting a hug/kiss whenever you want, hearing their voice, etc. For me, once my SO leaves, it is the, if you are anything like me, prepare to far more waterworks after he is gone
          HOWEVER, things will return back to normal. The tears will dry up. It'll hurt for a while but talk to him as much as you can and continue to plan for the future. Keep your mind off the things that were and talk about things you will do later on! Just keep remembering that you'll see him again soon enough Do various things to keep yourself busy with friends, family, and phone calls/texts with your SO.

          And of course, we all on this forum are always here for you during this difficult time in the long distance relationship.

          *~*~*Forever & Always*~*~*


            Thanks everyone for your kind words, it put a smile on my face and made me in such a better mood through most of last night and now today that he is gone. I'm so grateful for this site, it makes things so much better knowing I'm not alone

            Madly in love with Michael

