My boyfriend is in the Military. He'll be out at sea on Valentine's Day and I won't be able to talk to him. So my question is: How do you make it through the 'Holiday'?
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Valentine's Day
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Thanks for starting this thread.
My guy just left, for a place several continents away. I am still reeling and unsure how to cope with it all.
On top of that, just over the next 1 month, there are 3 major events on the horizon. 1. His birthday, 2. A local festival where families gather, 3. Valentines Day.
I would appreciate some advice on this too.
Personally I've never seen the big deal about Valentine's Day. Christmas, Thanksgiving, Birthdays... those I get. Valentine's Day? Not so much. That aside I get through it just like any other day as really they're all just any other day and if I can't contact him for them, well that's OK because there's always tomorrow. If it bothers you that much, take a day off if you can and just pamper yourself with home manicures and the like, rent movies, and have a girl's day in with either yourself or with friends who are single or can't be with their beau's either. The point is to stay somewhat positive on a day one would otherwise dread. And just remember there's always next year or him making it up to you late, no matter how much later it is.
Holidays are usually the hardest time to be in an LDR. I would suggest that you try and find a way to keep yourself busy. Maybe ask a bunch of your single friends to come over for dinner and you guys can all cook a fun meal together and watch a movie and give each other little valentines. When I was in college, I often organized single-people's V-day dinner
I have never spent a Valentines Day with my boyfriend, because it is when he is away visitting his family. Its difficult for him because his mom and sisters birthdays are January, and his dads is the end of feb. So he feels he cant be there for his mom and sisters and then come back home and miss his dads. So its awkward, he wants to come back before Valentines Day but it isnt really fair on his dad.
I don't mind anyway, we celebrate it when he arrives back.
It is hard on the day though, I suggest don't go to places like restaurants as it is full off loved up couples and can make you feel bad. Usually I invite some of my friends around who arent dating anyone and we have a meal together, or we will go to a restaurant altogether and eat. But sometimes as I said it can be a little upsetting seeing everyone happy and enjoying time together.
I love Valentine's Day too. But not spending it with my SO isn't a big deal for me. To me, when I've been alone, Valentine's Day is just like any other day that I don't think much about. If I were you I'd do what some of the others said. Invite some friends over for dinner, get a massage or manicure and pamper yourself. Keep yourself occupied
I have never been a big Valentine's Day person. When the day comes I usually just treat it like any other day. Yes, I miss my SO and it would be nice to have him with me, but it would be nice to have him with me any day. Valentine's day is no different. If you struggle with it (I struggle with New Year's a lot) I would suggest not letting yourself get to caught up in thinking about it. Keep yourself distracted and busy. I personally like to bake when I need distractions. Or busy yourself with making him a Valentine's Day surprise to either send him or give him when he comes back. That way you still get the spirit of the holiday without having to feel alone.
Valentines Day is up in my top 3 favorite holidays, and we're not gonna be able to see eachother.He suggested that we don't acknowledge it and instead have our own V-day later with a romantic dinner and presents and everything. That should help you get through it. I was hoping it would be on a weekend so I didn't have to go to school, but oh well.
I'm kinda bummed at the prospect of Valentine's Day this year because for awhile I was hoping that I would have the fundage to go visit my SO in California that weekend since it's also the weekend of our college's homecoming. After a hard look at my finances, though, I know that's just not going to be feasible.Instead, I want to put together a "love box" for him to send, though. I'm going to need to start planning this one out...
We've never spent Valentines day togetherand this is gonna be our third one as a couple. Last year he came over for Christmas and stayed until the beginning of February, so we did our own valentines day about a week before the actual date, which was really nice
But this year we can't do that because he won't be here until March/April.
For our first valentines day I spent the entire day in tears!! And I couldn't even talk to him because he had Sea Rescue
What I learnt was, do NOT go out of the house!!!! Have a day at home, watching comedy movies, or crime shows or something you enjoy doing that does not remind you of valentines day or the fact you are alone for this day (so dont watch slushy movies like the notebook etc). Do not go on facebook etc because you will see what all the couples who are together are doing and how 'happy' they are. I made the mistake of going into town around lunchtime, and having to see all the couples out having lunch and kissing all over the just made me miserable. So last year on actual valentines day I stayed in all day and we treated it like a normal day because we had already had our own 'valentines day' and it was great!
One thing that does always upset me he never sends me flowers for valentines daylast year he gave me a HUGE box of chocolates in a heart shaped box, and he also got me a really cute 'tatty teddy' bear with 'i <3 u' on it...but he has never sent me flowers on valentines day...which kinda hurts me and also frustrates me coz he sends them randomly when there isnt a special day/occasion...but never when there is an actual day when I would really appreciate the gesture and thought
I'm hoping this year he'll actually send some...I'm living off £10 a week for 9 months to raise money for 4 charities (Tommy's, Home-Start, Lupus UK and Hughes Syndrome Foundation)
please visit my blog and sponsor me!
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'The reason it hurts so much to because our souls are connected'
The last time I was in your situation I would go a bit overboard with packages for the holidays.
For Valentines Day & Easter I sent flat rate boxes FULL of his favorite goodies... Ritz chips, chocolate, gum... All of his favorites. I sent it to him with enough time that he would get it early so that I could get the e-mail (phone call if I was lucky) telling me how awesome my package was/how all the other guys/girls on base were so jealous.
I just focused on making it better for them and that made it better for me.
Do you have girlfriends not in relationships or in similar situations? Make reservations. Go out with them!