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hes desperate for me to move, but idk about the circumstances

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    hes desperate for me to move, but idk about the circumstances

    Hi everyone.

    Some of you may be familiar with my issues in the past, my plans to move in with David falling through more than once, my difficult aunt not wanting me to stay with her, that whole lot.

    Basically, he figured out a different option of my move, and that would be moving in with his grandmother. Great right? Well there are some issues, and she has reservations obviously. For starters, she lives in south Washington, and he lives in northern Oregon, and while she dosnt live that far away, its still roughly 70 miles round trip, if he decides to go visit me. So I still feel like I don't live that close to him, and coming to see me will be a hassle as opposed to a convenience, and even though he's convinced that just because I'm closer to him than I am now, once the gas bill piles up, I doubt I'll even see him as much as I do now which worries me alot.

    She also has her own issues, she lives alone and hasnt lived with another person for several years, so she dosnt know how well we'll get along, and she dosnt know me as well as his other family, because she dosnt live as close. She has no cable or internet and the kitchen is rarely used, the area she lives in isnt very lively, and overall the way he described everything made me feel like I was going to move somewhere I was going to eventually hate. He seemed like this was the perfect solution and seemed to have no thoughts about what I would think about it, and when I sounded like I didn't like the idea he immediately got offended and acted as tho I was being ungrateful at his attempt at finding a place for me to say, which isn't even the case in the first place.

    I've really had a tug of war in my heart about this, because while I want to be closer to him and be able to see him in person, moving in with this particular relative is going to do nothing except ease his impatience as far as the move, (we still wont have a place together for at least a year), and to satisfy his own need of "having me within arms reach", with no regard to my feelings on the matter, in the sense that I don't feel he cares how happy I am where I live, that I should be grateful to be there in the first place. I was just a bit taken aback, and after describing her very low living arrangements he said "You always say you're low maintenance. Prove it."

    I don't wanna be selfish and not take up an offer because its not my "ideal place to live" while I wait for us to be together, but at the same time I feel like I shouldnt lower my standards of living just to please the fact that he's to impatient to wait for us to save up and move out on our own.

    I don't think I'd go for this. That could be pretty awkward, and I don't think it's especially fair of him to say that 'prove it' line. It isn't like this is a move to live with him. If you aren't totally comfortable and willing, don't be pushed into it. JMO!


      I agree with Garnet. If you're not comfortable, which is sounds like you aren't (I wouldn't be, either), then don't do it. Personally his new 'idea' sounds like a pain in the butt. I lived 60 miles from a best friend for 5 years and only got to see her every 3-6 months due to gas bills, school, etc. He's making it sound like he'll take that trip every day, which isn't the case and you're right about the gas bills.

      I think until you guys can move in together or at least be with the 10-30 minute driving range of each other, you might want to stay where you are.


        Yeah, I wouldn't go for this. It would be one thing if you were moving in ALONE with him. I mean, I'm low-maintenance and my SO and I live in a pretty basic apartment in freaking West Africa. So I get low-maintenance. But it's not like it's with his grandma, who I don't really know and we're not sure how it's going to be.
        Hopefully he'll be understanding of that and be patient until the situation can improve.


          I agree with Garnet on this one. Don't do it if you are uncomfortable with it. He's really not being far to you with this plan because it really only benefits him.

          I would wait until you can move in together
          "We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love " ~ Theodore Seuss Geisel.


            Agree with everyone else. If you're not comfortable with it, you shouldn't do it. And he should understand that. Have you tried flipping the situation to him, how he'd like moving in with your grandma, still that far away from you, in an area he doesn't know at all and being all alone there?
            You guys should definitely wait till you have saved up enough and do it right Good luck hun!


              If you're uncomfortable, don't go. It sounds like you have reservations, and for good reason. You're moving to close the distance, not to half close the distance.

              LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


                This just sounds like a bad idea. 70 miles isn't close, what will you do with yourself all week, besides hanging out with grandma? Do you have friends in the area, or a way to make them so you can get out of the house? His "prove it" statement is crap, btw. This arrangement has nothing to do with being low maintenance, it has to do with being able to be mentally comfortable in your surroundings, and happy with where you are. To be honest, the way he's going about this sounds a little controlling, I'd be a bit careful if I were you. I could be way off, but the whole thing just seems wrong.
                Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


                  Yeeeah I'll just pop in and say I agree with everyone else on here. If you don't love where you're living, then you're going to be miserable. And this will certainly affect your relationship. Tell him you are really grateful that he has racked his brains to find ways for you two to be closer, but that this is just not a good fit.


                    I feel like I shouldn't and I'm gonna call and talk to him about it. I want to wait and do it the right way, by moving in together, and not mooching off his grandparents or my family and quite honestly moving in with his grandparents makes me feel like a whore just shacking up and I hate that. It will take at least another year for the two of us to move in together if we start now, but he dosnt realize itll take LONGER to be together if i wait another half a year, move in with his grandma, and wait another YEAR for me to get enough money to move in with him, and I feel like he just dosnt see my POV on the whole situation and he's just looking out for himself, and the fact he's too impatient to wait to do this properly. He keeps saying he's sick of waiting and that doing it this way is "cheaper than visits". UGHHH men.

