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Doom Day!

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    Doom Day!

    After 12 awesome days with Kevin here with me, this morning he leaves. I cried so much last night I'm not sure I have a tear left to cry. He reassured me worse case scenario meant we were apart for 3 more months before we can re-close the distance. 3 Months to a sick, pregnant hormonal woman?! 3 Months from now? 6-7 months pregnant? UGH! I felt as if he was abandoning me. As if it was his choice to just up and leave me. I know in my brain better than that, but my heart? Broken beyond anything I'd ever felt before.

    There is an upside to this. I decided at 1:30am that I would wake at 8:00 am with him, and go to Virginia with him for as long as I could, before my next appointment with my OBGYN. What's this mean? It -COULD- give me a month extra with him, but it will at least give me two more weeks. I feel that if I don't go now, I'll be so ridden with appointments that I won't be able to go anywhere later. So here I go? Wish me luck!

    Good luck, Jo. I hope you have a safe and happy trip and time together. *hugs*

    LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


      And bad luck strikes. I sit here updating devastated after just watching Kevin drive off without me. My Dr called just as we were leaving to voice his concern about my kidneys and mention he needs more testing ASAP. Worse case scenario is I won't be able to visit at all before he moves in threeish months. Best? New tests come back good and I can go.


        Damn!!!! I was soooo hoping you were on your way. I would rather your health be absolutely for sure okay first, of course (!) but I know how much you wanted to go back with him, and that just sucks!

        At least in the worst case, he is still back long before you deliver. I know you need him now though. I'm so sorry. I will cross everything I can still cross that your tests come back perfect and you can get back to Kevin!

