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I'm nervous FOR him

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    I'm nervous FOR him

    If any of you have read my blog I have super great news! My SO got his loan today which means he'll be able to quit his job tomorrow which means he'll be able to move in with me in ONE MONTH!!! I am so excited I can barely stand it!

    But I'm also feeling very nervous... for him. Because he has worked at this job for 10 years. He has never lived away from his family, much less in a different country. I'm so nervous that it's going to be too much for him. I knew this day would eventually come, but now that it's here I'm so worried he won't be able to handle it. Do you all understand me?

    I mean this is a HUGE change for him. When I move down with him, it won't be that big of a deal. I've lived away from my family, in a different country before, and loved it. He hasn't and... oh I'm just so worried the change will be too big...

    Am I over thinking things??

    Make sure you voice your concerns with him. Let him know that it is a huge step and you support him fully but that he should be aware that things are going to be very different in his life, for better or worse.


      No, you aren't over thinking things, those are very valid thoughts. Assuming you've talked about it already, all you can do is try to make the transition as smooth as possible, and give him time to adjust, keeping in mind he's sacrificing a lot to be with you. There's no way to predict how it will go, it could be the greatest thing ever, or the worst but you just have to be patient and go with it, as scary as it is.

      He might just surprise you though, and end up very happy in his new surroundings, living abroad is exciting and opens up many opportunities. Just support him as best you can and remember to be patient, you'll do fine.
      Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein

