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I'm...really not sure what to do...

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    I'm...really not sure what to do...

    so lately Alex has been getting more and more distant. Over this past week, alone, we've spent maybe 30 minutes a night together. Last night we were talking and he said, "anyway. am gunna watch monty python then sleep ok?" I told him okay but he could tell by my typing that I wasn't entirely happy with that decision and he pressed and prodded until I told him how I felt, that we've barely spent time together and I know it's not like he has complete control since he has had to get up early to go on some installs the last couple days, but we've still not spent much time together and he was just going to watch a show for 30 or 40 minutes before bed instead of talking to me. I know that wasn't his thought. He wasn't intentionally going, "I don't want to talk to her so I'm going to watch Monty Python instead," but it still hurt a little.

    That triggered him telling me the following (with a couple things omitted for my privacy and his):
    "now forgive me for poor wording as it is basically stream of thought

    from the start i have been worried of something. early on i said i love you and tho you had someone at the time, i let you know it was romantic love as i understood it was. this has not changed. however i also let you know that i didnt want anything to do with a long distance relationship. that being said here we are ^^; one thing hasnt changed throughout. i really dont like being in a long distance relationship, and i had no intention of asking you to move out here. should you make it out here i would like to go on a few dates with you and see how we hit it off.

    i havent said much on the matter for the very reason i wasnt sure if i should bring up this descussion. i am afraid you would take it as me not loving you ^^; because that hasnt changed, i love you very much and you are a dear person to me.

    the fact remains that being in a long distance relationship is pretty much hell for me ^^; excuse the description but couldnt think of one dramatic enough to proove my point.

    i will likely get more and more distant as time goes on reguardless of how things go. it may even get to the point where it feels more like friendship than a relationship. i will still hold you dear, but not sure how you would feel about me by that point ^^;"

    Now this was last night at about 10:40. I planned on heading to bed around 11:30 because I had to get up at 8 to go to job training this morning. I was already tired, we'd had a bit of a discussion all ready, a bit earlier, about how he doesn't feel like we have anything to say to each other anymore and that's part of the reason he doesn't talk as much, so I was kind of emotional. When he wrote this I couldn't stop crying.

    I apologized for putting him in the position to have to be in an LDR to which he (extremely promptly) told me it's not my fault, I shouldn't apologize to him, he knew what he was getting into, and all I try to do is make him happy and I shouldn't be sorry for that.

    He asked me to explain back to him what I took his feelings to be and I told him what I gathered was that he loves me, he wants to be with me, but being in an LDR hurts him and will probably only make him more distant, but if I were living there he'd definitely have no problems with dating me. He said, "Close. Well, close enough." And I told him I'm trying to move up there I have a job and everything and his response was,
    ">> once again, not the issue ^^;

    im not pressuring you nor telling you that you are being too slow or not doing enough ^^; because you are making amazing steps very quickly!

    but hun. i really hope i am not the reason at all for chosing this area to move ^^;"

    Then we talked a little more about that and he said some things that made me think he was going to break up with me but when I asked him if he was trying to get out of the relationship he responded with this:
    "in truth i have no clue. for a ldr this one isnt as painful as it could be... but at the same time i would be lying if i said i can correctly show you how i feel or express myself to you properly this way.

    to me there is no happily ever agfter out of this untill i actually go on a date with you and get to know you in person. is staying liek we are just stringing you along to something that may or may not turn out? what if i end up promising you something i cant deliver? ldr's are too dangerous for that and i deffinately dotn want to cause you pain for not meaning what i say."

    So we didn't break up, but shortly after we got on video and he was saying that he's sure we'll end up going on a break or breaking up permanently at some point in the future and it's likely going to be because of him and a lot of the things he said hurt really badly but at the same time the happiest I've been in years is with him so I don't watn the relationship to end. I'm going to see him, if I can get the time off work, the first week of June. What should I do, though?

    All you can do is go see him and show him that you're the kind of person he doesn't wanna let go.


      I dont know what to tell you to do.. but i will tell you how i feel about his words. I feel he is trying keep you from having huge expectations and being crushed. He doesnt want you to make a bunch of mistakes just for him. He cares about you enough to say it. Maybe it didnt come out completely right but he at least is trying to let you know what he is thinking. Have you two met in person yet? From the sounds of it no... and if this is the case then meeting face to face will more than likely be a huge turning point in your relatoinship. It will either make it stronger or end it. It really is pretty much the deciding factor of if the chemistry is there. Hopefully you two can continue to talk things out.


        *hugs hugs hugs* try to stay strong.
        he obviously loves you a lot and is being 100% honest with you.
        you shouldn't feel guilty at any time though. He is a mature individual and he's able to make his own decisions. He made it and i am sure he doesn't regret it! and never will!
        I went through the same thing... except i wasn't able to respect his point of view, started all the nagging pushing him further away, ended up in me lacking the attention, kissing someone else and now things cannot be any more complicated, even though he never said he wanted to end this. he just said he didnt like being in ldr and we didnt talk as much as we did when i first left.
        There is many guys that find it difficult to be in ldr, he's not the only one. They decide to be in one and then it just becomes harder and harder... to the point they don't know what to say and become more distant.
        However, things are usually okay as soon as you see each other in person... June isn't that far away... I really hope you can make it till then.
        I don't have much advice on what you should/can do NOW, apart from to stay strong and remember that you have us here... just try to understand and maybe give him a little space... maybe switch everyday calls to every 2-3 days ones.. (it would work for me, if i wasn't a bit too selfish at the time). I'll post more if i think of something else... Good luck!


          I think punkpain makes a very good point. In order for this to work, you guys need to meet in person so that you can see whether or not you have chemistry. I know that you are trying so hard to go and meet him...hopefully everything will work out! He just needs to hang in there until June....

          LDRs are hard, and some people can handle them and while others can't. In order for them to work out in the long run, you have to plan on being together sometime in the future. I know you plan on moving there, but maybe he is saying it is too soon to move there now when you guys haven't met in person yet. That would be a huge decision, and he knows that it could maybe not work out, so it sounds like he doesn't want you to move there right away because he doesn't want you to get hurt if it doesn't work out. Dating and visiting each other a few times would probably be best. But the rest is up to him whether or not he wants to fight for this.

          Best of luck! I don't know what I would do if I were in your situation--probably just cry for hours since I am a crybaby--but we are here for you whenever you need it! *hugs again! Keep your chin up!



            Ouch! That hurt *me* reading it! *hugs* I'm so sorry. Even though I also see his good intentions in giving you a "heads up" and being honest with you, he must have realized that his words are very hurtful. See, if there's anything you can change about your behavior that is leading you on the road to break-up, I think it's good if your partner tells you. My husband told me a few weeks ago that I need to calm down and not always freak out so fast because I am just making us unhappy over nothing. I appreciated him telling me those things, even though they hurt at first, because I could do something about it. We talked about it a lot when I visited and agreed to change both our ways: now he's more attentive and I'm trying to be less hot-tempered. In your case, however, you're already doing everything you can to come see him, so him telling you that he thinks he's falling out of love with you as time progresses seems kinda cruel. I don't know what *your* plans are and how you see your and his future, but maybe you came across to him as a little too determined and sure that everything will be perfect when you meet, when there's no way of telling at this point if you'll work out in person.

            I can't give you any advice on what to do. I think you're already doing everything you can, and maybe that also makes him feel you're putting in so much effort when the outcome is unsure and you might get hurt. For now, I guess all you can do is keep on working on going to see him. Don't make any promises and don't expect him to make any, either. It must be very hard, I realize, but for the time being, it might be best to just keep things less emotional (if possible) until you meet. But do make clear to him that you want this chance of meeting him and if he wants it, too, he'll be ready to wait and keep from distancing himself. I really hope you can get time off at work in June... considering you only started, it might be hard, but then again, that depends on your employer.


              we'll be meeting hopefully the first week of June. I'll have been working for 3 months so I don't think it'll be too much of a problem for me to get out for a week, but if I can't that first week I have back up trips planned. I'm just going to ask in April or May. Probably May.

              He said his love for me hasn't diminished, but he's afraid he'l become more distant. I think he's more scared than I am that the meeting won't go well. I just wish eh wasn't. I wish eh would let his walls down and let me in. He should know, by now, I'm not going to hurt him like the others did. I mean, I've known him for over a year and we've been official for 7 months, unofficial for 11. He told me he doesn't regret being in a relationship with me, it's made him very happy over all, it's just that it hurts him to be in an LDR. I understand. It hurts me, too. Still, I think he could've put it better. There were a few other times last night where he put his foot in his mouth.


                *hugs* I'm sorry. It sounds like he has some LDR pre-meeting reservations. It's actually pretty common. Some people need to meet each other to have some sort of validation on the relationship. It sounds a bit silly, but that's just how some people work. I think all you can do right now is reassure him that you're working on meeting and keep alive that it's something that is going to happen, as opposed to something you want to happen. It's a tough position to be in (I've been in it before), so try not to feel too much pressure on meeting asap. All you can really do is show him the proof that you're making progress and hopefully it's enough for him to hang in there.


                  I'm sorry, it must have been painful to hear him say this! I hope you guys can work out something, and that everything turns out for the happiness of both of you.


                    Originally posted by Marian View Post
                    we'll be meeting hopefully the first week of June. I'll have been working for 3 months so I don't think it'll be too much of a problem for me to get out for a week, but if I can't that first week I have back up trips planned. I'm just going to ask in April or May. Probably May.
                    Oh, I didn't know that you've already been working for 3 months! That's great then, looks good that it'll actually work out.

                    Originally posted by Marian View Post
                    He said his love for me hasn't diminished, but he's afraid he'l become more distant. I think he's more scared than I am that the meeting won't go well. I just wish eh wasn't. I wish eh would let his walls down and let me in. He should know, by now, I'm not going to hurt him like the others did. I mean, I've known him for over a year and we've been official for 7 months, unofficial for 11. He told me he doesn't regret being in a relationship with me, it's made him very happy over all, it's just that it hurts him to be in an LDR. I understand. It hurts me, too. Still, I think he could've put it better. There were a few other times last night where he put his foot in his mouth.
                    Yeah, I guess it was a bad moment for him and so much gets lost in text-chat, too. I forgot about his trust issues, that also gives a different spin to the situation.
                    On the upside, I think a lot of people here were in your situation and found they worked out well in person, so there's a good chance it will be the same for you.


                      I'm so sorry to hear that! =( I hope everything gets better.


                        Yeah, I guess it was a bad moment for him and so much gets lost in text-chat, too. I forgot about his trust issues, that also gives a different spin to the situation.
                        On the upside, I think a lot of people here were in your situation and found they worked out well in person, so there's a good chance it will be the same for you.

                        yeah... I really hope you're right. I'm hoping maybe he's just scared and will get over it... I love him very much, I don't want to lose him.


                          I know that what he said is very painful to hear. But he does seem like a sensitive and caring man. By being honest with you about how he's feeling, it does show that he cares about you. It's difficult to say what the future holds for any relationship, or how things will work out. It's been a long time since you've been together without meeting, and from what you've writtten about his past relationships, it's probably hard for him to have a completely optimistic view of your relationship. So in many ways, I can see why he would want to try to protect himself and you. Just hold on for a few more months and encourage him to do the same! Perhaps you can even have a date set to meet by (say July of this year). And if it doesn't work out for you to see each other by then, you can both reconsider if this relationship is going to work out in the long term. Maybe that will give him something to hold on to wihen things become difficult for him and he does't see another option.

                          Wishing you all the best Marian!


                            So...he kind of...wanted to talk tonight...and we were talking...and he wants to not be in a 'serious' relationship until after we he's not my 'boyfriend' anymore... In his words we're, "More than friends, not quite lovers."


                              *Hugs! :'( Sorry that it came down to this.....So he is still willing to make it work if you guys meet in person? If so, then I know you might be sad, but it could still work out.

                              Jared and I did not become official until after we met in person. I was head over heals for him for a long time, and I thought he didn't like me because he waited so long, but he told me later that he didn't want to date someone before they met in person. When we finally got to hang out, all of the chemistry was there--and more! Just know that there is hope!

                              Everything will be alright. *hugs!

