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Difficulties with messaging!!

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    Difficulties with messaging!!

    Hey everyone,

    Im wondering if someone is also going or went through a similar time period in their LDR.
    My boyfriend and me are sending sms during the day from the morning till the evening when hes going to bed.
    We talk on the phone at weekends but we didnt do so for two weeks now since I couldnt manage to talk on the phone (wrote about it in last treat)...
    Well, im feeling should I say? Uncomfortable? Overwhelmed in asking him questions...
    The only thing we ask each other is the same as everyday like how are you? How went your day? What are you doing tonight? Those things...nothing really interesting and its getting boring...Of course I do want to know how he is and what he is doing after work but its just so you get the idea where Im driving at?

    Did anybody go through this and have some advice for me?
    What did you do?

    If you talk on the internet as well, I would suggest sending him a link to an interesting article about anything.

    Example: ....... ...... ''my Spannish friend Maria blah blah... I do (not) think it's true...'' and he will say something

    If you talk just through sms, I wouldn't wait till he asks you 'by the way, have you read anything interesting today?'. Be iniciative and tell him: 'my day was great, thanks. I have seen blabla today / i was dreaming / i would like to.... '

    Hope this helps!


      I've decided that when The Boy and I run out of things to talk about, I'm going to ask him random questions. Like, really random. He's done this for me before at work, when I said I was bored he told me to come up with a speech as to why (or why not) Austin Powers would make a great president of the world. We ended up getting into a detailed discussion about it (we decided he would do well as a president of the world, but only if batman was his vp ).

      I don't think that question would work quite as well over the phone (we did this through email). But my next one is going to go something like "Random question: which zoo animal do you think would make the best pet?" And then we can both discuss which ones would be best, and whether giraffes or elephants would make better hedge-trimmers, and anything else we can come up with. That said, we're pretty random like that, so I'm not sure that would be the right way to go for you.

      If you're a bit more serious than we are, you can always go with more serious, get to know you type questions. What's your favourite car? If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would you go? What movies are out right now that you want to watch? Questions like this can get a bit of discussion going between you to, and get the conversation livened up again. If you can't think of questions, search "questions for couples" in google and you'll come up with a million different websites with suggestions for what you can ask.

      "You know it's love when you want to keep holding hands even after you're sweaty."
      -- Anonymous


        We play games together when we run out of things to talk about That never gets boring. We can play together while on a voice call for hours, last night we were on from 6 till 12 playing WoW and we still didn't run out of things to say!


          Yes those are all good tips and usually im doing those things like talking about what I have done and dreamed last night etc...but now.
          I was being silly and said it would might be better if we dont message each other today and wait for saturday or sunday to talk on the phone since I think its anyway going nowhere.
          But i think I made a mistake because Im so lost at the moment :-( I feel like hes even further away if we dont have contact at all. Im so stupid! :-( :-(


            well, i think its time to close it. Thank you for those you tried to help..

