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kids from pervious relationships

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    kids from pervious relationships

    I know a few people on here have them.

    how do you feel about introducing your SOto your kids?
    how does your SO feel about it?
    how does their bio father feel?
    how did you explain it to your kids?
    how old were your kids?
    if they already met him, how did it go?

    my answers are:
    *me and my SO are nervous, though he's a little more excited then nervous.
    *Their Bio dad isn't around much but he's ticked off. he knows my SO and they don't like each other. (i went to highscool with both and they breifly fought over me)
    *My kids are a bit young to explain it but i've showed them him over webcam, my daughter waves like a mad women and says hi about 20 times.
    *My kids will be 3 and 22 months
    If nothing ever changed, There would be no butterflys <3

    Originally posted by Teakany View Post
    how do you feel about introducing your SOto your kids?
    how does your SO feel about it?
    how does their bio father feel?
    how did you explain it to your kids?
    how old were your kids?
    if they already met him, how did it go?
    The Boy and I have not been together long, so he hasn't really had a chance to meet her.

    Not sure now. A few months ago he said she sounded adorable and he couldn't wait to meet her. But now that we're on a break of sorts, not really sure.

    He would be a jerk. Total #1 Grade A Jerk. He feels threatened just by the fact I MIGHT be seeing anyone (because of that I have yet to confirm or deny The Boy's existence)

    I have not explained anything to her yet. It's not really necessary at this point.

    My daughter is 5, almost 6.

    Not applicable.

    When we love, it isn't because the person's perfect, it's because we learn to see an imperfect person perfectly.

    True love does not worry about the distance between, for the heart and soul travels through one's words

    When two people are meant for each other, no time is too long, no distance is too far, and no one can ever tear them apart.

    1 universe, 9 planets, 7 continents, 194 countries, 50 states and 10 provinces...and I had the privilege to meet you.


      Since they've met, I'm gonna change the DO/DOES to DID and answer like that. =)

      how do you feel about introducing your SO to your kids?
      I was excited for him to meet them since he's been my best friend since before my oldest was even thought of.

      how does your SO feel about it?
      He was excited, but also nervous. He was nervous they wouldn't like him.

      how does their bio father feel?
      He's fine with it. He knows Eric would do everything in his power to protect the kids & he knows how much they love each other.

      how did you explain it to your kids?
      My kids always knew of Eric and they're so smart, once I told them he was my boyfriend, they were thrilled.

      how old were your kids?
      When they physically met my daughter Kaylie, was 4. And my son Logan, was 2.
      They're almost 4 & 6 now.

      if they already met him, how did it go?
      It went amazing. I could not ask for it to have been any better. They've seen him 3 trips now. Eric loves them like they're his and they love him SO much!


        My kids just met my SO a few weeks ago for the first time.
        how do you feel about introducing your SO to your kids? I was excited but also nervous. I was more nervous that he would be scared off by my kids... I knew they'd love him, though.
        how does your SO feel about it? He was anxious but he was ready to meet them. I talk about them all the time and he just wanted to finally be able to be around them.
        how does their bio father feel? He doesn't know yet. I don't know if my children have told him about my SO, but if they have, he hasn't brought it up. I know that he would be upset. He has always been threatened with the idea of me having someone in my life because he doesn't want anyone to replace him as a dad, which wouldn't happen, but he still has fears.
        how did you explain it to your kids? I didn't really explain anything to my kids. I kind of made it appear that we were just friends. We didn't show affection towards each other in front of my kids and kind of just hung out like I would with any other friend. But my kids picked up that he was more than just a friend. They asked me after he left if he was my "special friend." So, they knew without me having to tell them.
        how old were your kids? They are 4 and 6.
        if they already met him, how did it go? it couldn't have gone more wonderful. They really hit it off. I think it helped that we waited as long as we did for them to meet. Now it just brings us closer to closing the distance because they can get to know him even better.


          Another perspective...

          how do you feel about introducing your SO to your kid?
          I'm nervous about it, I'm afraid she'll find some reason not to like him, or that she'll be rude.

          how does your SO feel about it?
          We haven't talked about it really, although I think he's a bit intimidated.

          how does their bio father feel?
          lolz...Don't know, don't care

          how did you explain it to your kids?
          It started out with me "talking to my friend from work", no need to explain further, she hears our calls

          how old were your kids?
          OK, OK, I'm being purposely flippant and deceptive, just to make people wonder what's wrong with me! My "kid" is 22 :P Older than half the people reading this, probably!

          if they already met him, how did it go?
          They haven't yet, I have done the traveling so far, but I think he'll be coming sometime this year. To be serious for a second though, I am nervous about it! My daughter is an adult, but I don't think she loves the idea that her Mom has a boyfriend in Finland. I think she's scared to lose me Of course, I'd never move until she's completely independent and standing on her own, but I'm truly torn about it. If this relationship continues for a few more years, I will be the one moving, but the thought of leaving her so far away breaks my heart.
          I'm worried that when he finally visits me, that my daughter won't be nice, but if I were in her shoes, I might not be either. One day, I'm gonna make a thread about it, but for now, I'm just kinda ignoring the situation, since I'm not closing the distance anytime soon. Heh, sorry for the rant!
          Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


            It's interesting too hear everyone else experiances and feeling towards it! everyone always has such interesting stories about their LDRs.
            If nothing ever changed, There would be no butterflys <3


              how do you feel about introducing your SOto your kids?
              I can't wait to have them finally meet him. We are are looking forward to it.

              how does your SO feel about it?
              He is a little nervous about it. He wants to make sure they will like him...and they will!

              how does their bio father feel?
              I don't care...but he has no say in it anymore.

              how did you explain it to your kids?
              They know all about my relationship with Mark. They really want him to move here...they talk about it all the time.

              how old were your kids?
              My kids right now are 11 and 9.

              if they already met him, how did it go?
              They have only met him on webcam a couple of times and have talked to him on the phone a couple of times also.


                Since my son and SO have already met - I'll answer this from both perspective since I also had to re meet his son

                how do you feel about introducing your SO to your kids?
                I was nervous. I has dated some one else before my SO and I got together but never introduced my son to him because it wasn't serious and I didn't want my son to meet and form any attachments. Without rehashing our story, I knew my SO for many years and had met his son when he was little but hadn't seen him since he was 2 and a half. So when I went up to see him in October, it had been 13 years snce I had seen his son and I was re-meeting his 15 year old, which was intimidating because I wanted to make sure he liked me and we could all get along.

                how does your SO feel about it? He was a little nervous about meeting Braeden once we got back together. His trip to see me wasn't intended to be a reunion, it was only a friendly visit, so he wasn't worried about it before then.

                how does their bio father feel? Don't give a damn. He left and hasn't seen his son in almost 2 years. We don't talk at all any more. And I like it that way. As far as his ex is concerned, we're actually friends (long story) and she approves of our relationship.

                how did you explain it to your kids? We were friends, so my son knew of his existence. And we talked a lot before he came down so my son knew a lot about him and was looking forward to meeting him so they could play XBox and watch Star Wars together. I don't know how my SO explained it to his son, but since his son was older, he knew that we talked a lot and were friends.

                how old were your kids? My son was 6, almost 7 when they met. His son was 15.

                if they already met him, how did it go? It went really well. My SO and I weren't really affectionate in front of him at first to get his used to the idea of a man being around, but then he caught us kissing and said it was ok We had a few tough moments where my son expressed some worries about being replaced by my SO but I reassure him constantly that he is #1 in my life and that my SO holds a different place. Now they adore each other and will talk on the phone or on skype sometimes. With seeing my SO's son again, it went well. Since he is a teenage boy it's a different kind of experience, but we did spend quite a bit of time together when I was up there for my last visit. We joke with each other about how I am always cold up there, and I think I'm in because he asked me for girl advice and gave me a big hug before I left. I think he likes that his dad has a girlfriend because he knows I can soften his dad up a bit

